Eisenhower Memorial, now planned for Washington, a progressive design has faced a traditionalist backlash.
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Patricia Morgan, a family expert with traditionalist views, says married couples should be left alone.
Traditionalist novelists sought to depict a world in which there was a reassuring sense of order.
But that is more or less all traditionalist Christians can find to applaud in the judgement from Strasbourg.
Other small Eurosceptical parties have a traditionalist streak, like France's Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition and Poland's farmer-based Selfdefence.
What particularly pleased Mr de Weldon's clients was that he was a traditionalist.
" In a modern touch, Mallen's character sweetly advises traditionalist Mary Kate that, "Dowries aren't important in this day and age.
At first there seemed to be good news for traditionalist Christians in the judgement from the European Court of Human Rights.
The parliament recently refused to ratify the appointment of the information minister and wants his replacement to be more of a traditionalist.
He said the bill might have gone through if the proposed amendment had been passed for more "traditionalist" members of the church.
None of this means that the right of Christians, traditionalist or otherwise, to hold religious beliefs has been undermined by the judgement.
Orthodox Jews, Mormons and some traditionalist Protestants have also pondered the issue and ended up proscribing or limiting contraception in different circumstances.
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The more traditionalist Mr Hollande said on Monday he intends to remain in his post until his mandate runs out next year.
His father was a teacher, and wrote poetry of a traditionalist style.
The Tories still remain deeply attached to a traditionalist view of Britain.
If so, this traditionalist pope will prove to have been wise in breaking the papal tradition of staying on the job until death.
It comes after the topic hit the headlines two years ago with an attempt by traditionalist members to block the appointment of openly-gay minister Mr Rennie.
His traditionalist ethos has been continued and expanded under Benedict XVI, who has talked seriously of the church becoming smaller but purer.
Any who do leave their manses - and their salaries and pensions - will tend to be disproportionately in the more traditionalist north and west of Scotland.
Bishop Broadhurst, the leader of the traditionalist and mainly Anglo-Catholic organisation Forward in Faith, had already announced in October that he would convert to Rome.
Of course, Rid is taking a traditionalist approach in this debate.
Arthur Murray was happy to think of himself as a traditionalist.
Donald Tallarico, 67, said he hoped Pope Francis would tackle church positions on marriage and abortion, though the new pontiff is known to hold traditionalist views.
He would surprise questioners by mentioning Frank Lloyd Wright, an American traditionalist, and Le Corbusier, a Swiss-born architect famous for his massive box-like blocks of flats.
The counter-cultural left combined genuine liberation with dangerous excess, while the traditionalist right mixed reaction with a desire to preserve some precious institutions, such as marriage.
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The cardinal, who is known for his robust defence of traditionalist Christian teaching, said the enemies of Christianity want to "take God from the public sphere".
Bishop Julian Dobbs of the traditionalist Convocation of Anglicans in North America, said he was "excited" by Justin Welby's experience and engagement with the church in Nigeria.
Proper Provision wants traditionalist parishes overseen by women bishops in the future to have the right of access to a male alternative operating under his own authority.
The signatures were collected by Proper Provision, a group calling for a better deal for traditionalist parishes who do not want to be overseen by a woman.
The BBC's Africa analyst Martin Plaut says the ANC leader is still something of an enigma - part Zulu traditionalist, part international leader who jets around the world.