But the inspector recommended refusal due to traffic noise and vibration, environmental and flooding concerns.
Residents have raised concerns about increased traffic noise and dust from the site.
That means human-generated underwater noise has the potential to affect fish just as traffic noise affects terrestrial animals such as birds, say the researchers.
For example, spreading the same number of journeys over a greater period of time through trading across may well bring the benefits of easing congestion at peak times, but roadside residents will not be grateful when traffic noise and vibration start earlier in the morning and continue through the night.
Locals protested: A new, glamorous Ocean House would create too much traffic and noise.
Campaigners said plans to increase passenger capacity at the airport would create too much traffic and noise and damage quality of life.
They say the scheme, which would raise the speed limit from 50mph to 70mph, would increase traffic and noise and "tear the heart out of the community".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Public inquiry over road widening
The concerns are that plans to increase the capacity from about 9.5 million passengers a year would create too much traffic and noise, significantly damaging residents' "quality of life".
Sadly a consultation on relaxing the rules has identified another problem: free schools risk pitting residents opposed to any increase in traffic, noise and litter against parents desperate to secure a decent education for their child.
But away from the traffic and noise of downtown, the southern barrio (neighbourhood) of Barranco is an instant reprieve, a place to breathe in a lungful of salty Pacific air and enjoy the village-like atmosphere.
Bustling metropolises usually attract massive crowds, frustrating traffic and deafening noise.
Common concerns about keeping a city up all night relate to noise, traffic and alcohol consumption.
Some residents had protested against the plans, fearing extra noise, traffic and health issues.
But the county Board of Supervisors has rejected Piscitell's first proposal, arguing that the additional traffic would create unacceptable noise and air pollution and hamstring the county's ability to develop nearby land.
Letters have been sent to residents living near to where the work is being carried out, and "tram helpers" will be on-site to keep members of the public informed about noise and traffic disruption.
Not for Mr Smith the lazy myths of a lost, rural golden age, to which many city-dwellers are prone to succumb after a day spent negotiating the noise, traffic and smog of their man-made environments.
In one part of the market where the sound of sewing machines was louder than the noise of traffic, a young tailor explained before the ceasefire announcement how it was hard to work in fear and uncertainty.
They say the changes will also allow schools to open permanently in a wider range of buildings - such as offices and hotels, once local councils have made a "limited assessment that will consider noise and traffic issues".
For example, one gleaning bat species, the Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii), is less likely to cross roads than other bat species that forage in open areas, suggesting the noise of the traffic could fragment their hunting grounds.
If local wireless networks proliferate as expected, the traffic will generate so much noise that nobody will be able to get a clear signal, especially in cities that already have thousands of transmitters in offices and homes.
Fluctuations in temperature, air quality and humidity will be recorded along with noise levels and foot traffic to provide a real-time breakdown of activity within the Moscone Center.
As hydraulic fracturing for natural gas has boomed in recent years, so too have the ranks of local activists, spurred by the new noise, air, traffic, and water pollution in their backyards.
It also states the applicant did not provide enough evidence to satisfy the council with regards to the scheme's visual impact, construction noise and risk to air traffic control services to aircraft using Robin Hood Airport.
They also cited issues of potential noise, air pollution, increased traffic and a loss of privacy.
The inquest also heard from Tommy's nanny, Anna Martin, who said they were waiting at traffic lights when she heard a "hollow noise" and a scream.
People living near the proposed farm by the Exe Estuary in Devon said they were worried about noise, smells and the extra traffic if the scheme went ahead.
Villagers in Leighton said the dairy would be too close to their homes and a primary school, and there have been objections about noise, smell, flies, increased traffic and the size of the development.
For this reason there is one key difference between the London and national air traffic control rooms - and the first clue is the noise.
He said the airport would continue to work with airlines, traffic control company Nats, policy makers and residents to reduce noise further while "safeguarding the vital connectivity and economic growth that Heathrow provides".
But villagers say the dairy will be too close to their homes and the school, and objections have been raised about noise, the smell, flies, pollution, increased traffic, the size of the development and its visual impact.