Understandably, they appear to be in shock and angry by the tragic, unexpected events.
Save the Children's efforts focus on the needs of children affected by these tragic storms.
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari strongly condemned the murder, describing it as a "tragic incident".
It's been a horrible time once again for Wakefield following the tragic death of Leon Walker.
And most people are reasonably pleased with this new arrangement - tragic as it sounds.
Or was Reeva Steenkamp the victim of a tragic accident in our gun culture?
Sadly, dependence on the Big Three has had long-term tragic results for this entire region.
The only other wide-release debut was the tragic financial failure of Tyler Perry Presents Peeples.
Delivering the judgement, Chief Justice Susan Denham described it as a "very tragic case".
Justin Fashanu's tragic story is the last time a top-flight player has been so open.
"This is a very tragic case with a lesson to be learnt, " said Mr Howes.
It's a wonder he didn't explicitly adopt this tragic view of reality earlier on.
Ms Palk's death was the first in a series of tragic events for the Palk family.
Tragic events would mar their happiness, but the golden glow of those Riviera summers remained.
WSJ: The Roaring Riviera: A Guide to Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald's C?te d'Azur
And when student life turns tragic, the campus police have been a big help.
Scotland looked set for an unlikely draw until the tragic own-goal gave Brazil the lead again.
Tyrone's had been scheduled to make an emotional return to action after Michaela McAreavey's tragic death.
Vallely took the lessons to heart later, when his life took a tragic turn.
As others have said, no one could have envisaged what happened that tragic day.
BBC: World Trade Centre: Could the attacks have been prevented?
We switched on the radio, and heard dreadful stories of suffering and tragic loss.
He said the explosion was a "tragic accident" resulting from a "risk that was identified".
The more conservative tragic view works within the understanding that humans generally are selfish.
"I'm very sorry this tragic accident occurred, " said Chung Hyung-sook, South Korea's team leader.
In this statement, Mr McClenaghan said the shooting was a tragic accident, the jury was told.
But it isn't just the tragic nature of the Titanic that captivates the Byrons.
And can anyone forget the tragic cost to America of their last great war?
The incidences are tragic, they are certainly regrettable, but it important that we learn from them.
At an earlier hearing, he described it as a "very sad and tragic case".
Stubborn incompatibility, oppressive neediness and tragic flaws plague the circuits, triggering headaches and slowing systems.
In their lives and in their tragic deaths they showed the power and strength of love.