She lives in a FEMA trailer in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her husband and five children.
And this is actually our second trailer FEMA has given us with the high levels of formaldehyde.
The below trailer spends most of its time showing off different environments and levels.
The contents have been slowly leaking onto the roadside since the trailer was abandoned on Friday.
We reached the admiral barely a day into his new job in a command center trailer.
The station also reported that the trailer was carrying about 20 crushed cars to a dump.
Officials said the trailer disconnected from the rig and slammed into the van, ripping it apart.
Bleeding copiously, Vijayan was carried out of the 24-by-36-foot trailer he shared with 23 other men.
The trailer became unhitched at Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt, near Colchester on Thursday afternoon.
BBC: Lorry driver fined after trailer breaks loose on Essex road
Then a full length trailer with some in-game graphics and lots of voiceovers and pumping bass.
First, you release a teaser trailer, showing a few cutscenes and no actual gameplay.
At a House committee hearing last month, Democrats came down hard on the trailer companies.
Republicans said that the trailer companies were just doing their job and trying to help.
That trailer made or almost made some of the people on our staff weep.
Where are you going to put a 12, 000-pound potato that travels on a 48-foot-long flatbed trailer?
All the crowd-pleasing guffaws are in the trailer, and they occur only when the plot turns.
What I really did was make my way up the little incline toward the trailer.
The idea of using a trailer was dreamed up by the playwright Ed Cardona Jr.
Francis lives in a trailer she describes as "gross, " but she expects to move out soon.
Green stands on the curb in front of his FEMA trailer and watches the gawkers.
"What's the S stand for, " Adams asks at the end of the teaser trailer.
His is the only chiseled face in the trailer not instantly recognizable as a mega-star.
The family's been fixing up their storm-damaged house and is living in a trailer across town.
No trailer, no cinematic teaser we got nearly 20 minutes of gameplay right out the gates.
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The new God of War: Ascension single-player trailer shows off some very pretty graphics.
Obviously, without ever having seen a trailer, the concept caught the attention of the FW staff.
Schultz fears the sandwiches put Starbucks in the food equivalent of a trailer park.
FEMA, for instance, is working to amass up to 300, 000 trailer homes for evacuees.
Sony posted a teaser trailer on its Playstation blog, and it has the Internet talking.
Until that's cleaned up, which he figures will take until December, this trailer is home.
NPR: Delays Plague Distribution of Trailers to Rita Homeless