Think3's free training classes and comprehensive in-person help trumped any brand-cachet issues.
When Katie, her 15-year-old, was placed in three job skills training classes and had no time in her schedule for science, Blasko refused.
She woke up at 5 a.m. and spent two hours on buses, dragging the kids to day care and then getting to training classes.
Students act as mentors and tutor youth, provide nutrition education for families, cultivate community gardens and teach culinary job training classes for unemployed adults.
They had been planning to attend political training classes and participate in group activities during the day and sleep in tents at night, he said.
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To this end, NOCEAD has established community-based continuing education centres (CECs) and community learning centres (CLC) where literacy and vocational training classes and community development activities are undertaken through the coordination of field facilitators.
And it's not difficult to imagine the business-to-business uses of e-scheduling, like letting distributors arrange for manufacturers' deliveries at convenient times or allowing customers to book product-training classes online, or even enabling an administrative assistant to make plans for a temp to cover his weeklong vacation.
CNN: Analysis: Brace yourself for the e-scheduling revolution
The six subjects include basic skills, vocational training, classes covering aspects of work and employment, artistic and cultural expression workshops, ICT and physical education and sport.
Join associations in HR and attend events, training, classes, workshops, etc. all designed to help you build the skills, expertise and community necessary to launch you to the level you dream of.
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In addition to CrossFit, Schaefer supplements his training with SoulCycle classes and other forms of high-intensity training.
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In addition to well-designed floor plans and interacting with products and specialists, part of the Apple store experience is engaging with fellow Mac enthusiasts, both casually and in training programs and classes that the stores host.
FORBES: The Limits of the Virtual: Why Stores and Conferences Won't Go Away
The training even incorporated such classes as Zumba, Pilates, tai chi and yoga, says Dawn Baker, Dow's global director of talent management.
It may often tell a foreign physical therapist he or she needs to take additional classes or training if wishing to practice physical therapy in the state.
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The 20 computer centers, which are equipped with 359 new machines paid for by BTOP, provide bilingual digital literacy training and adult education classes, as well as assistance with resume writing and job searches.
WHITEHOUSE: Driving Broadband Adoption in the Latino Community
The training also involves evening classes and examinations.
They will allow it to offer classes and training (for both consumers and small businesses), display its devices and test in-development gadgets, provide a lab-like environment for startups, and a networking platform for local businesses.
FORBES: Google Says No to Retail Stores. How About Community Centers?
It is striking that participants do not view literacy classes or training courses as a set of mechanical skills or information that must be learned, but rather as a process of empowerment made possible by the exchange between participants, and between the self and the written word.
UNESCO: Associates in Research & Education for Development (ARED)
So NTIA BTOP program is supporting a number of projects specifically intended to benefit Latinos by funding computer centers in neighborhoods with large immigrant communities, by offering computer training and digital literacy classes in Spanish, and by helping Latino entrepreneurs and Latino-owned small businesses get established online.
WHITEHOUSE: Driving Broadband Adoption in the Latino Community
It also teaches in more flexible ways, stressing the Web-based modular training, over formal classroom classes.
In July 2012, Mr. Shaver organized on-campus classes for mobile training, which are taught by outside consultants.
Lee has been practicing yoga since 1972 and now leads classes, teacher training sessions and special workshops worldwide.
They provide mental health services, programs for people living with HIV, addiction recovery programs, computer training, wellness and nutrition classes.
Paul Madden, whose car in Avondale was one of those targeted, said it was used to take his 23-year-old son to education classes and work training.
And the most important thing you can do is to make sure that, whether it's through classes or online training, or what have you, that you're keeping your skill sets sharp.
And we plan to seek out and support the very best, most successful initiatives in our states and communities -- those that are offering services like job training, or parenting skills classes, domestic violence prevention -- all which help provide the kind of network of support for men, particularly those in vulnerable communities.
These supports include parenting classes, English as Second Language classes, and job training, to name a few.
Taking a few classes in cross-cultural training can also be useful, Segal suggests.
For older students, the bus brings GED and college preparatory assistance, anti-bullying and peer mediation classes, and student leadership training.
Reinvent yourself to meet a modern market: If you are a paid technical instructor and your classes are shrinking, offer training over the internet.