There are few certitudes in life that transcend the assurance of rising taxes on tobacco.
The bonds of devotion and affection transcend the peaks and valleys of a business cycle.
We listened earnestly, all of us, hoping to understand and to transcend the need to understand.
They will plunk down their cash for her to transcend golf the way Woods did.
Here, too, people could transcend the often confining social limits of the old neighborhood.
However, once athletes transcend into diversified industry brands, their endorsement dollars are truly global in location.
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Both sides of the debate agree health-care costs are rising for reasons that transcend courtrooms.
Karin had a remarkable capacity to transcend private life, placing it in the greater picture.
But Pinera said recently that responding to the earthquake requires the country to transcend partisan differences.
Sandberg seems to transcend these tradeoffs, an ability that Gruenfeld attributes to her modesty and honesty.
But the journey will transcend that obsession, in large part, because Mahler has fallen in love.
Indeed, events of this magnitude transcend individual companies and affect the reputation of entire industries.
But, visually, movies transcend their lousy scripts as operas soar musically above their libretti.
But your reading payoff will be in learning why some leaders can transcend setbacks and others cannot.
It is argued that it would transcend any specific detail of the peace process, including the timetable.
Beach volleyball might seem a little undignified for a part of town where skirts rarely transcend the knee.
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Trying to transcend our own imperfections, rather than eradicating those of others, is the best bet, he argues.
But the thing that makes The Monkees different is that their music managed to transcend generations, Gallo said.
Words of wisdom for anyone can transcend industry, and instead of bucking against the idea, share your own advice.
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Kiki Wolfkill, Halo 4's startlingly-named executive producer, believes part of the solution is to transcend the genre's bullets-and-lasers roots.
It is also the place for the simple truths which transcend political debate.
Retailers need to transcend the discounting madness and reach for higher ground or be part of the downward spiral.
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He was a French aristocrat who wanted the Olympics to transcend nationalist sentiment.
Though most of the cars on this list are probably cool enough to transcend that little rule of thumb.
Faith has the power to transcend cultures and bridge gaps, bringing people from different walks of life closer together.
However, the lessons enclosed within about management, parenting, relationships and success transcend gender.
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Indeed, these efforts need to transcend "name and shame" tactics and should comprise the mitigation of legitimate business risk.
You have to transcend that and focus on the fundamentals of your company.
Besides, friendliness and warmth transcend languages and cultures, so travel expecting the best.
Tebow may be a different animal though, a public figure that can transcend the usual formula, at least for awhile.