The deal was a transcendent moment for Karp, who created one of the world's busiest websites.
Recognize and reward those who adopt new behaviors and decision-making approaches based on transcendent priorities.
But Pink is not just talking about any old purpose--he is talking about transcendent purpose.
But Pink leaves two questions unanswered: Why is purpose so motivating, and what is transcendent purpose?
Like Transcendent Man, this documentary also focuses on the futurist ideas of one man.
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Before we decline a la Greece, we ought to think back to what made this nation transcendent.
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Tears welled in her eyes: For one transcendent instant, she'd found her hive, had found her between.
The critical element to every transcendent purpose is a commitment to serving something bigger and nobler than ourselves.
The Boeing decision is distressing for South Carolina, where the addition of a major manufacturing plant is a transcendent breakthrough.
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And as Dan Pink demonstrates so well, effectively motivating people means supplying the transcendent purpose that we all really want.
Writers, artists and intellectuals joined guidebook authors in directing visitors' steps and sentiments away from the tacky and toward the transcendent.
In particular, "Didn't I" is almost unimaginably transcendent: a slice of sweet soul that has survived 30 years and continues to captivate.
In their search for justice, their movement has lacked a transcendent leader.
But I wanted to go to breakfast: executive chef Anston Fivaz makes even yogurt, made in house, and crunchy nuggets of muesli transcendent.
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He is equally unsatisfied with dualism and the argument that mind and purpose can only be explained by an appeal to the transcendent.
The images (acquired by the publisher from photo archives) have the haunted quality of old photographs, a queer mix of sunlit reality and transcendent strangeness.
If NIF succeeds, it will be a transcendent moment for science.
During one transcendent stretch at Cal, Rodgers completed 26 consecutive passes.
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During his stops with the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, Jackson was consistently armed with transcendent stars like Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant.
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It is an incredible testament to the transcendent power of music that Bernstein, Barber, and Copland's accomplishments were never overshadowed by public speculation regarding their sexual orientation.
As I tried to make sense of the psychology of these "self-transcendent emotions, " I began to realize that religions are often quite skilled at producing such feelings.
There are moments that seem transcendent in their lives - a beautiful sunset, a football crowd filling a stadium with noise, or a moving piece of music.
Filming with an unflinching biomorphic intimacy, as if looking at the body, inside and out, through a microscope, Carruth quickly leapfrogs over the grotesque and into the transcendent.
Transcendent experiences of beauty aren't commonplace in the shellfish business.
But the transcendent moment is when we come upon a pod of killer whales fishing right in Barnard Harbour, a straight line of sight from the hotel dock.
Their earthy tread and sublimely iconic expressions are framed in a surprisingly free and expressive round of angles that conjure emotional extremes and transcendent powers with blunt physicality.
Apple is one of the most transcendent corporations in history.
Art has often been and continues to be considered transcendent.
And if he pulled a Cam Newton in 2011 with a transcendent year, it may have paid off in terms of endorsements post-Ohio State as well as a high draft position.
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