"The Scotland project was a real transition point, " he says of his third project.
It very explicitly contains within it a transition point in July of 2011, where we begin to draw down U.S. forces.
Yet in many ways, retirement is a transition point that can have the most complex and widespread impact on our lives.
Within each break point, the designer can set different rules and effects for how the elements will scale and transition into the adjacent break point.
Penney during the failed transition efforts made a point to reassure investors that it had the necessary funds to afford the changes.
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In the world of slow baked transformation Transition Towns is a rallying point.
FORBES: Transition Towns - Where Innovation Takes Place At A Certain Pace
But at some point perhaps the transition should occur and we should base the current form on the current, rather than archaic, methods of performing that function.
At that point, a transition period will begin, as around 115 cardinals gather in Rome to pick a successor in a secretive election known as a conclave.
The exact point at which that transition will take place is not one that I really can comment on here.
At the same time, I sought to discern the point around which my own transition would pivot.
That will likely change as SSD volume increases, but the point is there is a transition path.
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The Foreign Office in London has sounded a similar note, with minister Lord Malloch Brown saying sanctions would not be lifted until Zimbabwe's transition to democracy has "reached a point of no return".
As you know, by 2014, we will draw down to the point where we can fully transition security lead over to Afghan security forces, and we continue to be on track to do that.
That is the point in which we will transition handing the security responsibility for Afghanistan to the Afghans, understanding that, as the President said a little under a week ago in West Point, the trajectory with which that withdrawal will happen will be based on, appropriately, conditions on the ground, as has happened in Iraq.
As Secretary Clinton said earlier today, we can't possibly predict a timeline at this point, but we know the transition will happen.
Struhl says he has heard time and again that photography's transition to digital has brought "a pain point" for people, who feel a sense of guilt that their images may reside on a hard drive but not in a frame.
And then they also discussed -- President Medvedev and President Obama discussed and President Medvedev made the point that in the period of transition upcoming in Russia, that the commitment to the reset of relations between the United States and Russia will continue.
And we may be at a point where we can work on a transition to a next phase of operations in the Philippines.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Ben Rhodes and Admiral Robert Willard
Those who do will point to detailed concessions - accrual rates, transition arrangements and the like.
GameStop CEO Paul Raines said his company expects a transition to online-only consoles to happen at some point.
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Remember that, as articulated by NATO in Lisbon, that the transition to Afghan lead continues through 2014, at which point the Afghans will have full lead over security.
If we get to the point were the Fed is inducing or more clearly facilitating a structural transition then we will know because the shortage of skilled labor will outweigh the excess of unskilled labor and overall wages will rise.
From Rangers' point of view, they must keep producing players capable of making the transition from youth teams to first-team level.
The moment of transition, with the side losing the ball caught off-guard, is the point when space is most easily found.
This could be used as a transition over to a purely streaming model, move customers up to a higher price point, and allow the company to eliminate costly warehouses and cut down greatly on number of employees.
If the telegraph was the starting point, Mr Federman reckons we are probably half way through a 300-year transition out of the world of mass literacy.
Point two is, there is broad agreement that there is going to be a transition to a different kind of command structure and that the United States is not going to lead that effort, and that our allies and partners are going to take the lead in enforcing the no-fly zone over time.
And I think -- I think as the statement says, it was at that point a missed opportunity for the government of Egypt to take the necessary steps toward that orderly transition.
Most of the debate has concentrated on their long-term arithmetic: they think that Japan's population is bound to stabilise at some point, perhaps around 2060, and that Japan will therefore be able to ease the demographic transition by spreading the costs over the course of a century or more.