With further mutations, they said MERS "might become increasingly transmissible" and must be continuously assessed.
Infection across Africa would increase the probability that the virus will mutate to become transmissible between humans.
But an assembly government spokesperson said TB was a disease which was transmissible to humans and other mammals.
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The discovery raised concerns that BSE was transmissible and could potentially infect humans.
It is this m-gene that has experts on the lookout, because the presence of the m-gene can make it more easily transmissible to humans.
Cancer is a very lonely disease and one of the reasons why it feels lonely, seems lonely, is this axiomatic belief that it's not transmissible.
But he said that based on the evidence, "this virus is more easily transmissible from poultry to humans than H5N1", a strain which spread in 2003.
If the bird flu virus were to be mutating into a form more easily transmissible among humans, the risk of a global pandemic would greatly increase.
Although it is true in the Tasmanian devil and also in dogs, there is this cancer called Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor, CTVT, that is essentially a sexually transmitted disease.
The CDC hopes to receive a virus isolate or isolates from China within the next week or so, she said, and will study the genetic changes further to try to determine how transmissible the virus may be among humans.
Because of the virus subtype, it is less likely that avian flu would become transmissible from person to person, but still possible, said Dr. William Short at the division of infectious diseases at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The only way to eliminate any risk of cross-infection in the aircraft cabin -- or the rapid worldwide spread of an infectious agent -- is to prevent would-be passengers who are either substantially exposed to or carrying transmissible infections from flying.
Ashleigh Griffin ( 2008 FWIS Fellow), Elizabeth Murchison ( 2009 FWIS Fellow), Araxi Urrutia ( 2007 FWIS Fellow) and Patricia Alireza ( 2009 FWIS Fellow) provided fascinating insights into their work on the behaviour of bacteria living in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients, transmissible cancers in Tasmanian Devils, human gene and genome evolution and the effects of high pressure at quantum level.
It emerged in December that the authorities in the United States had recommended withholding from general publication the detailed results and methods of the study, as well as those of a second one led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (This also created transmissible strains, albeit less virulent ones.) Both studies had received grants from America's National Institutes of Health (NIH).
ECONOMIST: The saga over research into bird flu reaches a climax