The aim of this initiative is to combat drug trafficking, transnational crime and money laundering.
We highlighted continued efforts by the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) to combat trafficking in persons (TIP).
WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting
Her primary concern was that passengers' data would be used for purposes other than combating terrorism and transnational crime.
As an honest broker, she has helped advance programs and policies to enhance citizen security in El Salvador while weakening transnational crime links that affect our own national security.
"Singapore is committed to eradicating match-fixing as a transnational crime and protect the integrity of the sport, and will pursue such cases vigorously with a view to bringing perpetrators to justice, " it said in Friday's statement.
"Singapore is committed to eradicating match-fixing as a transnational crime and protect the integrity of the sport, and will pursue such cases vigorously with a view to bringing perpetrators to justice, " the police said in a statement Friday.
Undoubtedly, Venezuela will remain divided no matter the next president, but fair and transparent elections will help ensure the next administration has the political capital to tackle needed reforms -- from a stagnant economy to rising crimes rates, rampant transnational crime and the rebuilding of the nation's powerful state-owned oil company -- that will benefit all Venezuelans.
We can do it if together we face and combat transnational organized crime.
The Presidents exchanged their opinions on the diverse topics of the international agenda, with a special focus on new threats such as terrorism, transnational organized crime, drug trafficking, and nuclear proliferation.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the United States and Latin America
The legislation also authorizes the U.S Government to offer rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of individuals involved in transnational organized crime, such as money laundering and trafficking in persons, arms, and illicit goods.
This legislation will enhance the ability of the U.S. Government to offer monetary rewards for information that leads to the arrest or conviction of foreign nationals accused by international criminal tribunals of atrocity-related crimes, and of individuals involved in transnational organized crime.
And because of the transnational nature of the crime, it's extremely difficult to prosecute.
Consider, for example, what has recently become the biggest security concern of this and many other countries: transnational terrorism (as well as organized crime, its not-so-distant cousin).
These measures already have proven invaluable in the international fight against terrorism, organized crime, cyber-crimes, and transnational crimes in the Information Age.