• Today monoclonal antibodies are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, transplant rejection, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, macular degeneration and several types of cancer.


  • But it is not yet known whether tissues derived from embryonic stem cells would cause transplant rejection, whereas this does not seem to be a problem with adult stem cells.

    CNN: Stem cells may offer promise for damaged hearts

  • Could patients have themselves cloned in order to harvest cells from a genetically-identical embryo, gaining a donor and avoiding the major problem of transplant surgery: rejection of foreign tissue by the immune system?


  • Victor is now quite well and looking forward to some extensive globe trotting - patients have to remain in the UK for the first six months after a transplant in case of rejection.

    BBC: Victor Power

  • One worry is that drugs used to prevent rejection of a transplant depress the immune system, and "cancers can grow rapidly afterward, " said the UCSF's Dr. Tempero.

    WSJ: Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs's Rare Disease Ran Predictable Course

  • The current face transplant patient understood the risk of rejection and of immunosuppressants, doctors said.

    CNN: Surgery transplanted most of patient's face

  • The breakthrough could lead to patients creating their own replacement organs without the risk of rejection, a common complication in transplant procedures.

    FORBES: Human Kidneys Successfully Created From Stem Cells

  • Neither does eliminating rejection increase the supply of organs for transplant, even though it means that fewer will be wasted.

    ECONOMIST: Organ transplants

  • Three months after their transplant, the patients were weaned off the anti-rejection drug cyclosporine.

    BBC: 'Drug-free' transplant hope

  • If the problem of rejection could be cracked, not only would transplant patients have a better prognosis, but it would also be easier to match patients to donors, and so more transplants could be carried out using the limited number of organs available.

    ECONOMIST: Transplant surgery

  • This is because the immune system's rejection response (which obviously did not evolve to frustrate transplant surgery) is actually there to attack tumours.

    ECONOMIST: Transplant surgery

  • Mr Nadey Hakim, a surgeon at St Mary's Hospital in London who has taken part in a hand transplant operation in France, said any patient who undergoes the procedure would experience rejection.

    BBC: Hand transplant 'a success'

  • Prof Fabre, an academic at King's College London who works on the rejection of organs, and Conservative Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies have proposed a national donor and transplant day.

    BBC: Deadline for public to have say on organ donation law

  • Patients who had a kidney transplant without any kind of pre-operative treatment were not able to be weaned of the anti-rejection drug.

    BBC: 'Drug-free' transplant hope

  • The transplant recipient has to take immune-suppressing drugs for the rest of his or her life to prevent rejection of the donated tissue.

    CNN: Surgery transplanted most of patient's face

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