The Committee on Climate Change, which advises the government, says the current limit should be enforced instead to cut emissions domestic transport, mostly by road, accounted for 22% of all planet-heating gases in 2009.
Why transport all this steel by road to Immingham, or Grimsby from Sheffield, when a massive port is right next to a profit making factory.
Developer HelioSlough Ltd said its plans followed government policies to transport goods by rail not road and that the terminal was needed to serve the whole of south-east England.
Heavy goods vehicles make up less than 2% of all vehicles but they are responsible for a third of all nitrous-oxide emissions, nearly half of all particulates and a quarter of carbon dioxide generated by road transport.
The decision to transport post solely by air and road means the end to the "Victorian solution to a Victorian problem" of moving post around the country.
Maybe because those grocery stores have to source and transport their products, whereas local producers live there and transport their products by walking down the road.
Because the Department of Transport also has figures by type of road, and says the most dangerous is the single carriageway A-road, of which Northumberland certainly has a few.
The right way to deal with greenhouse gases is through economy-wide measures, such as a carbon tax, rather than by picking on road transport, which accounts for only a fifth of all emissions and already pays more in various duties than would be extracted from it through any reasonable level of carbon tax.
The transport department predicts that, by 2025, road traffic levels will be 40% higher than in 2004.
The government wants to keep both sides happy and believes it can, by combining its road plans with promoting integrated transport solutions.
By contrast, Philip Hammond, the transport secretary, reckons that the road projects the government is paying for will, on average, return six pounds of benefit per pound invested.
At question time on 22 November 2010, government whip Earl Attlee said the error, discovered by Department for Transport officials, would be corrected next time the guide for road users is published.
Supporters started to descend on the Welsh capital late on Friday - travelling by road, rail and even plane with Arsenal chartering a jumbo to transport more than 700 fans to Cardiff.
Road transport is only one-third the cost of shipping goods to Pakistan by sea, via Dubai, as happens now.
The third option is to direct part or all of the revenues raised by above-inflation increases in fuel duties to public- and road-transport improvements.
By mid-November, the central and northern regions will be covered with snow, making road transport even more difficult.