He also said investment should be made in the transport network without a road-charging scheme.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | PM denies road toll 'stealth tax'
It said that under such "extreme" conditions, severe disruption to the transport network was "inevitable".
This crossing will ensure that we continue to provide an effective transport network and achieve that goal.
Sir Rod Eddington's equally weighty review of Britain's decrepit transport network recommended bigger airports and more roads.
It is the first phase of a government scheme to improve the transport network in Dar es Salaam.
Meanwhile, the cold snap continued to affect the transport network in many parts.
America's transport network is similarly dysfunctional, says a recent Urban Land Institute report.
The strike has shut down much of the public transport network, with no metro or electric railway services in operation.
It's not difficult to see that one day nearly everyone will be using a bankcard or Oyster on the transport network.
Business organisations and MPs said they were raising questions as to how good Devon's transport network was in times of extreme weather.
Travel bosses have outlined plans to cope as the transport network prepares for another influx of visitors and children go back to school.
"The A465 is a crucial artery of our transport network and the principal road link between west Wales and the Midlands, " he said.
"Making sure that the country has the transport network it needs to deliver economic growth is a top priority for us, " he said.
Last year a leaked Treasury report claimed that without Crossrail, London's transport network would struggle if the Olympics was brought to the city.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | On track for Olympic bid?
London's transport network has passed its first big test of the Games: the combination of commuters and Games spectators during Monday's two rush hours.
BBC: London's travel network clears its first Olympic hurdle
Transport Minister Carl Sargeant called it "a crucial artery of our transport network and the principal road link between west Wales and the Midlands".
Milder weather helped the UK's transport network get back to normal on Thursday, after a day of delays and cancellations on railways and at airports.
David Redgewell, from the South West Transport Network, applauded the move.
"The companies who manage advertising on behalf of TfL assess all adverts submitted for display on London's transport network to ensure compliance with TfL's advertising guidelines".
Even taking into account France's fabulous transport network, merging two institutions over 1, 000km apart will not be easy, something that Alice Guilhon, its dean, readily accepts.
"First is totally committed to working with the city's MPs, the mayor and the council to ensure Bristol has an excellent public transport network, " the spokesman added.
By the end of 2012, London buses will also accept contactless payments, followed by the Tube and the rest of the transport network in the Capital in 2013.
ENGADGET: Barclays releases PayTag: the NFC card you glue to your phone (video)
Premier League football matches in the capital, BBC Proms in the Park and the Thames Festival are also expected to heap more pressure on the transport network during the Games.
The task now for London is ensuring the efficient transport network during the 2012 Games is not "just an exceptional, one-off achievement only beneficial over the Olympic summer", Ms Pidgeon said.
Not all those who boarded the team train will post their vote for Scottish National Party leader John Swinney, who used the platform to press the case for an integrated transport network.
This confluence of dynamics has worked out pretty well for Zouchen-based Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Ltd. (nyse:YZC), the dominant producer back east that operates its own rail transport network connecting mines and big buyers.
"The Forth Road Bridge has provided 25 million vehicles every year with a connection between communities north and south of the Forth estuary whilst acting as a vital link in Scotland's transport network, " he said.
The Metropolitan Police have said parts of the transport network will be closed down and there will be a large military and police presence on the streets as the funeral procession passes through central London.
"Now is a very good opportune moment to look at the ferries which are a key part of the transport network but also a key part of the tourism and heritage offer, " said Mr Robinson.
The attack, which Prime Minister David Cameron and others called an act of terror, stirred anxiety and alerts in Britain not seen since the summer of 2005, when coordinated bomb attacks struck London's public transport network.