Idle soldiers were usually put to use maintaining roads, building parks, planting trees, landscaping and even collecting trash.
"It was locker room trash, " said Wright, who would not detail the contents of the emails.
Big blue trash cans were being tossed around like a piece of paper in the wind.
For the first time, Central Park will have more recycling bins than trash cans, officials said.
I'm thankful that I never trash-talked the American Men's Freestyle Relay Team before racing them.
Then, there are the identity thieves who steal trash in high-end neighborhoods for their own purposes.
The transgressive director, writer and trash connoisseur stopped by the bar Coco 66 in Brooklyn, N.
So before we left, we put out the trash, just as we did back home.
It's all still sitting there on the lunar surface waiting for the trash collector.
"Now I can make my picks and trash talk as I'm watching the game, " he said.
Massachusetts: A law bans the disposal of medical sharps (needles, syringes and lancets) in household trash.
Trash haulers and funeral homes are exhibit Nos. 1 and 2 in this sorry history.
Someone always bids, and we turn our trash into a few flecks of gold.
We noticed a sharp decrease in the amount of surface trash on the pool almost immediately.
He said the proposed arrangement could be a win-win for the state and the trash authority.
How many pounds of trash did the United States create, per person, every day in 2010?
But the race went ahead even as nearby streets were blocked with burning tires and trash.
The old McIlhenny Plantation trash heap is a treasure trove of old TABASCO bottles.
Whenever an item is placed inside the trash cans, the bin says, "vielen danke" (many thanks).
Another theme was making trash beautiful, illustrated by typography designed from waste to plastic bag installations.
And despite my fears, hunting through people's trash has become much less attractive to thieves.
"We'd love to do trash every other week, like Portland does, " says Mr. Gedert.
The next day he realized his mistake and dredged it out of the trash.
We'll do the floor mats, the bar towels, the trash, the bathroom, the mopheads.
Now, it's about not just trash and crazy unnatural chemicals, it's about climate change.
Meanwhile, investors are earning dividend yields so hefty that trash, rather than cash, may be king.
They will still have to pick up the trash, police the streets and extinguish house fires.
So if it's small enough to fit in a trash can, that's where it ends up.
Eventually, they began recovering trash bags set on the street for disposal that contained incriminating evidence.
All that trash about the vodka being smooth: his whole conversation had been a sales pitch.