• It forces us to empty our pockets, have our bags inspected and remove trash cans from the streets of a major international city.

    CNN: It can happen anywhere

  • Mr. Kline felt unloved when, after work, he came home and found the trash cans sitting at the end of the driveway and dishes in the sink.

    WSJ: 10 Ways to Show Your Spouse Love

  • Big blue trash cans were being tossed around like a piece of paper in the wind.

    NPR: Frightened Okla. Residents Opt To Flee Tornadoes

  • Trash cans and recycling bins are being removed from certain areas of Washington's Metro subway system as a safety precaution.

    CNN: Recovery: Airlines to reinforce cockpit doors

  • Due out in coming months is an array of 200 products using alternative materials: totes, laundry hampers and trash cans made from aluminum, wicker, canvas, sea grass.


  • Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose face adorns plastic skeletons used as teaching aids and trash cans inside Dar alShifa, still controls the best hospitals and much of the most precious medical resource: doctors.

    CNN: Heart-rending choices in Syrian warzone hospital

  • Fifer says the city also plans to experiment with municipal uses of the network, like setting up Wi-Fi-enabled traffic cameras, trash cans that can wirelessly call the city when they need to be emptied or traffic meters that call in when they're overdue.

    FORBES: Orlando Kills Municipal Wi-Fi Project

  • With their trash collection reduced to every other week, Portland households have had to hone their recycling skills or pay more for bigger garbage cans, which are provided by the network of private haulers who pick up the trash for the city of 583, 000.

    WSJ: Portland Creates Buzz by Cutting Garbage Pickups

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