Unless Walmart can handle its shoppers giving it a trashy name during this holidays.
Some of it plays like a horror scenario, but one without the trashy chills provided by lesser moviemakers.
Boat Quay can be trashy and touristy, but there are few prettier places in the city to eat.
He is always nibbling chocolates, loves trashy television and appears awestruck by a popular novelist or a rock star.
Potter came away with the conclusion that customers wanted more predictability and respectability in an inherently unpredictable and trashy business.
The film of Dr. Zhivago didn't do the book justice the way a series can, but this adaptation is seriously trashy.
"I was disappointed that she wanted some trashy American sitcoms, " Ellick laughs.
It made such a pleasant change from the usual trashy way that boxers talk about each other in the build-up to a fight.
Neiers, who has since become a reality TV star in the US, took to Twitter in April to call the movie's trailer "trashy and inaccurate".
It was Divine, as Tracy's overprotective mother Edna, who lifted Hairspray into camp heaven, and it's Divine and her splendid trashy baggage that are painfully missed.
On another galaxy is Bedford Ave (between North 4th and North 10th Streets) - and North 6th Street for that matter - with alternative fashions, record stores and lots of flashy-trashy stuff.
After all, what is France for if not to represent an elegant, pleasurable alternative to the American way, even if it does so as most of the country munches its burgers and goggles at its trashy television?
Back then, the inventively trashy filmmaker John Waters was having campy fun with early-'60s hair and fashion, and with his cross-dressing hausfrau, but he was also dressing down a certain set of early-'60s attitudes about conformity and racial segregation.