KAMM'S TREACHERY is a deeply disturbing comment on the mindset of the radical Left in Israel.
The next is an ongoing case of apparent treachery at boardroom level in a major British company.
Mother and son sing a sad goodbye, as Lycas and the page denounce the treachery of love.
Butler academies and guilds have received angry letters from the public reflecting disgust at Mr Burrell's treachery.
The Parisian air is already thickening with accusations of backsliding and treachery, and mutterings about a hot autumn.
Senior Arab officials are being charged, by the public and even a few of their colleagues, with treachery.
But never mind, the simple story that unfolds will be readily comprehensible: of love triumphant, of treachery exposed.
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Ironically, the way in which Aeneas abandons Dido in favour of his preordained fate is characteristic of Carthaginian treachery.
"It was an age of treachery, " explains Stephen Twigge of the National Archives.
He said it was not "treachery" to seek dialogue to end the conflict.
Others may be more impressed by the unhappy fate of western agents betrayed by their own spymasters' treachery or incompetence.
Mr Chavez, who regards all dissent as counter-revolutionary treachery, professes to be unconcerned by the split with his old ally.
Treachery, deceit and intrigue are rampant in Five Points, and disguised little better behind the facades of the Fifth Avenue brownstone.
Failing though her memory might be, Mrs Norwood cannot fail to remember that no-one from the security services has interviewed her about her treachery.
And one of the jobs of the courts is to police the press by protecting whistle-blowers while also punishing libel and treachery.
Ancient pagans recognized, honored, and respected the way an ethical line between honesty and treachery inevitably blurs when profit enters the equation.
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And they got no help from the Business Roundtable, who backed the tax increases and whose treachery we now better understand.
Mr Lieberman, the foreign minister, repulses many in the middle of Israel's spectrum with his verbal assaults on human-rights groups, accusing them of treachery.
Generations of fans from famously unlucky sports towns like Boston, Chicago and Cleveland grew up listening to somber yarns about curses, treachery, false hopes and heartbreak.
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Order vanished with a speed and treachery that shocked even Medan's residents, who can, in the best of times, take perverse pleasure in their city's famously brutal reputation.
To be Frenchified in Spain was once synonymous with treachery.
Even if General Musharraf is willing to give that up, he is vulnerable to charges of treachery by Islamic zealots, many of whom are armed and who have friends in the army.
The script, by Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff, is tougher and less corny than that of the first film, although Stone himself seems incapable of deciding whether it should close on a note of cruel treachery or a group hug.
The diaries, made available online from the National Archives on Friday, cover the period when evidence emerged of the treachery within the British establishment in the form of the men - who would become known as the Cambridge Spies - who had spied for the Soviet Union.
Maybe the real story ought to be how a product of Manhattan wealth and privilege turned on his own caste, attacking the corrupt financial elite with a zeal not seen since the days of Teddy Roosevelt, and then was punished for his class treachery (just before his crusade was 100 percent vindicated by recent history).
Shell to sea is made up of locals and activists some Irish some from foreign shores but who have one thing in common, that is that the stench of treachery in the County of Mayo is so obscene to them , that standing on the side lines holding their noses is just not an option .