The massive glaciers, which looked like giant tire treads running through the mountains, reflected orange.
Meanwhile, the novelist treads a subtle line between reinforcing this old mindset and revealing its limitations.
Just like Neff himself, the Neff-based model often treads into the most unloved parts of the market.
All this should be grim beyond bearing, yet the film treads carefully, and even lightly, through its tribulations.
The planners are then befuddled why annual GDP growth treads below two percent.
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But Tronchetti sees pockets of expansion throughout the world, and he is keen to see Pirelli treads leave their mark.
So long as Wikipedia treads carefully, it will be able to maintain its community for a long while to come.
Ms Showalter instead treads a careful line, seeking primarily to appreciate their literary achievements in the cultural context of their times.
Congress even rejected the idea of rating tires for fuel efficiency, which might have encouraged consumers to buy the most fuel-efficient treads.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Wanted: A real energy security bill
Mr Schwimmer treads carefully on the subject of his council's biggest member.
Though criminal violence remains the greater threat to the country's stability, South Africa still treads a delicate path in containing its residual racial tensions.
Mr Bush, through his spokesman, treads carefully on this point, since a now-discredited federal school reform is part of the legacy of George Bush junior.
This treads on the toes of the Defence Committee a bit - but addresses a very real issue which has cost the taxpayer many billions.
Almost everywhere McDonald's treads, the local competition can only eat McDust.
The Supreme Court generally treads lightly in "separation of powers" cases, where one of the three branches of government is being subjected to the dictates of another.
Each module is outfitted with a pair of rugged treads, various onboard sensors, a touch sensor, GPS module, and gyroscope to help then navigate and identify their surroundings.
The movie is full of inspired touches as well as excessive ones: its appeal lies in the way its humor always treads the line between sendup and campy overkill.
The SunSpider browser test results treads especially closely to Samsung's new flagship, tying in with Intel's explicit promise that good browsing was core to its aims for the mobile processor.
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Or will the global zeitgeist tire of kitten videos and plow YouTube under the treads of hundreds of millions of virtual tractors tending to their farms and social networks on Facebook?
But Norilsk Nickel, with the world's largest reserves of the metal, treads in the shadow of rumors that the government is plotting to target it as it did Mikhail Khodorkovsky's oil company Yukos.