We would rather pay 20 times more for bottled water with more impurities than the treated water.
Unlike the normal gas extraction, chemically treated water is forced upon the rock underground to fracture it releasing the gas in the process.
When it comes to the agriculture sector... we are looking to reduce our consumption, and increasing the use of treated water in those areas as well.
Edifier's factory is located in a special high tech economic zone with emphasis on environmental sustainability including state of the art recycling, solar power generation and treated water reuse.
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When the process is done for real on a large scale, the treated water will first get pumped into a reservoir for further refinement, because of health department concerns that the process may not be completely effective.
He had been released two days earlier after being treated for water in his lungs and legs.
Also, the fabric from which the costumes are made is treated with a water repellant.
Used water is treated and then either safely disposed of, reused for industrial purposes or air-conditioning, or mixed with reservoir water for drinking.
Or these bags can be flown to disaster sites and used as on-the-ground storage reservoirs where water can be appropriately produced and treated to provide high-quality water (see the photo below).
FORBES: Water Emergencies: Time for New Plans and Technology
Treatment continues at the sites today, with vapor barriers in place, so-called slurry walls going down 40 feet into the earth, well sucking up water to be treated, and systems operating to extract toxins from the air and water.
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For the same reason, if your tap water is treated with chlorine, install a chlorine-filtering showerhead.
What they didn't do was look in the sludge that accumulates when water is treated.
The woman and two men who tried to find her in the water were treated by Coastguard staff before being taken to hospital.
The waste water is treated and just over half reused for industrial purposes, according Mohamed Al Madfaei, executive director at the Abu Dhabi Environmental Agency.
Contaminated water has been abstracted and treated from the mine since 1992 following an drainage burst which caused visible pollution from mine water coloured orange by the high iron content.
The project uses non-conventional water sources for irrigation, including desalinated water surplus and treated wastewater.
The following day, word came down from headquarters to drink only wine until the water could be treated.
Piping hot water is siphoned off to public pools, where the water is minimally treated to keep it as pure as possible.
Dundee City Council said there are no "public health issues" and that the shower area had been closed and the water system thoroughly treated.
If all goes according to plan, by the year 2001, the city's sewage water will be treated and recycled right into the drinking tap.
Potential investors are also being scared off by cholera, even though it can be easily prevented with good sanitation and clean drinking water (or treated by oral rehydration).
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The agreement calls for the water system to be treated as a single complex ecosystem made up of countless tributaries, underground aquifers and smaller lakes all held in the Great Lakes basin.
To test his theory, he treated the polyethylene to make it more hydrophilic, or "water-loving".
She said they were treated for hypothermic drowning trauma, indicating they had been submerged in cold water.
So deepwater and shallow water are -- have not been and will not be treated differently -- will be treated differently, will not be treated the same.
The creatures who survived the initial surge will be treated to lots of trash and food that got pushed underground with the water, and with city streets and stores downtown empty and without power, the braver survivors are free to forage.
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They worry that when frack water flows back out of the well that it needs to be treated and processed.
"The community does not want to use water that comes from the mine, even though it's treated and certified, " he said.
The death of a man whose body was found in water off the Isle of Lismore in Argyll and Bute is being treated as unexplained, police have said.