At the meeting Sunday, researchers from Europe are releasing new analysis of an old 1, 200-patient study testing Erbitux as initial treatmentincombination with chemotherapy.
In August ViroPharma of Exton, Pa. said data from an early-stage trial of its polymerase inhibitor reduced the virus 99% on average after 14 days of treatmentincombination with interferon.
In August ViroPharma (nasdaq: VPHM - news - people ) of Exton, Pa. said data from an early-stage trial of its polymerase inhibitor reduced the virus 99% on average after 14 days of treatmentincombination with interferon.
Which is why any serious progress intreatment and care of lung cancer requires a combination of better and earlier diagnosis with a more adequately funded research effort.
On Friday the drug was approved for use incombination with Aromasin for postmenopausal women with recurring HER2-negative breast cancer, after treatment with the drugs Femara and Arimidex.
VX-661 was generally well-tolerated, both as monotherapy and incombination with ivacaftor, and most adverse events were mild to moderate in severity and similar between the treatment groups and those who received placebo.
In a development that greatly bolsters its standing in the cystic fibrosis market, Vertex Pharmaceuticals late yesterday released data showing a combination of its existing Kalydeco treatment and an experimental medication called VX-661 greatly improved patient breathing.