The new treaty will be the fourth big constitutional change since the Treaty of Rome.
After a long struggle, they succeeded in codifying those rights in the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
The founding Treaty of Rome was signed the very next year, in 1957.
This group would use the Treaty of Rome process to try to betray the intent of its classical liberal founders.
The EIB EIB was set up in 1958 under the original Treaty of Rome and is the EU's long term lending institution.
Productivity in these countries, however, went from 40 percent to 100 percent that of the United States in the 35 years following the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
The Treaty of Rome's existing social chapter remains unchanged.
When the Treaty of Rome was adopted half a century ago, one of the fundamental freedoms for citizens recognised by its six signatories was the right to work in another member state.
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The manner in which the Court itself came into being is illuminating -- and worrisome: In the end, American objections to the Treaty of Rome were simply voted down, 120-7 vote with 21 abstentions.
Lawyers may argue that the doctrine had already been breached by the Treaty of Rome, which led to the European Union, or that the law still empowers Westminster to dissolve the new institutions it has created.
One of our first acts in government will be to negotiate an amendment to the Treaty of Rome, to allow each country the freedom to decide for itself whether or not to apply new European legislation outside that core.
Because, as I have discussed many times before, this is not just a debt crisis for the so-called 'periphery' economies. (I think we are supposed to forget, in these conversations, that the EU came of age with the Treaty of Rome.) It is also a crisis of competitiveness.
EU's single market, which embodies the Rome treaty's principles of a free flow of goods, services, labour and capital.
As a mark of pride, every Italian government ritually reminds its partners abroad that Italy was a founding signatory of the treaty that ushered in what became the European Community, and Rome its birthplace.
It will be followed by another get-together in March, before a conference convenes in Rome in June to agree on the final text of a treaty setting up the court.
During years of discussions and five weeks of intensive talks in Rome, the United States had sought to water down a treaty setting up an international criminal court.