But as soon as the droplets brush something solid such as a tree branch, they freeze instantly.
You might not know it from the war room's poster-size photo of a rhesus monkey slumped against a tree branch.
Local resort manager Greg Shean said the rescuer whacked the crocodile with a tree branch until it let go and disappeared into the water.
To all intents he had the match in the bag when match referees gave him the 450-yard 10th after Woods moved a tree branch unintentionally during his swing.
Aidan Dwyer won the Young Naturalist Award from the American Museum of Natural History after studying tree branch patterns during hikes through the forests of the Catskill Mountains.
Suppose Robinson Crusoe is tired of trying to scoop up fish with his hands and figures out how to turn a tree branch into a spear, increasing his daily catch tenfold.
At the first snapping of a tree branch or sudden gust of wind, everybody runs into their cabins armed with baseball bats and kitchen knives waiting for a killer that will never come.
Outside I could see a half dozen wooden stilt homes surrounded by muddy patches and palm trees, a clothesline hung with shirts and sarongs, tree branch kindling stacked under a storage shed, a scrabbly vegetable garden where smoke plumed from a dying fire.
Officials said that on Sunday afternoon a storm in the area is believed to have knocked a tree or a branch onto a bee hive while the paramilitary police were combing the area for landmines.
"If you look at the tree of life, nearly all of our microbes, and thus our antibiotics, come from one branch on that tree, " says Barton.
Never more than when Basil thrashed an Austin 1100 with the branch of a tree, an act of inspired pointlessness that seemed analogous to our own situation.
And a British Transport Police spokesman said a branch of a tree which had fallen onto the rail line near New Cumnock, Ayrshire, shattered the windscreen a freight train, showering the driver with glass.
In Netscape Navigator 4, choose Edit, Preferences and select the Advanced branch of the Category tree to find the cookie settings.
Her death from a seizure earlier this year felt as if someone ripped a branch from our family tree, and the loss still hurts.
For that, he favors the forked branch of a peach tree.
WSJ: In Geology, Old-Timers Can Be Worth Their Weight in Gold
Myriad has no more right to patent these parts of the naturally occurring code in the human genome than it would to patent an apple, or a branch off of a tree that could be used to hit a ball or scratch your back, Ravicher says.
FORBES: Big Question For Supreme Court: Can You Patent A Gene?
Those famous wines belong to a different branch of the port family tree.
They proposed yanking the prehistoric creature off the "bird" branch of the evolutionary family tree and moving it onto a closely related lineage of birdlike dinosaurs.
Or, most likely of all, he could ask Massimo D'Alema, the leader of the Democrats of the Left, the main branch of the ruling Olive Tree coalition to try to form a government himself.
That status was called into question two years ago by Chinese scientists, who proposed yanking it off the "bird" branch of the evolutionary family tree and moving it onto a closely related lineage of birdlike dinosaurs.
The rise of grandfamilies also highlights another growing branch of America's changing family tree: The single parent household, overwhelmingly headed by mothers.
Myriad objects to the comparison of the gene sequences with a branch or an apple off of a tree, and its lawyers convinced a majority of the judges on the Federal Circuit to agree.
FORBES: Big Question For Supreme Court: Can You Patent A Gene?
You don't look at a tree and say, well, I've cut the branch here and cut it here and all of a sudden I've got a baseball bat.
Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran branch of Christianity, is fabled to have set up the first Christmas tree lit by candles.