His wife, seated in the third row wearing an off-white trench coat, stared ahead.
Before then, the check was used mostly as a trench coat lining or on accessories, such as hats.
The company said it would still make such products as its trench coat at two factories in Yorkshire.
During the show, the model Karlie Kloss vamped down the runway wearing a green trench coat tied at her waist.
Neither boy appeared in the Trench Coat Mafia's yearbook group photo in 1998. iReport.com: How did Columbine affect you?
The Trench Coat Mafia was a nonviolent school group of computer gamers established a few years before the shooting, Cullen said.
Kirsten Kreiling, president of the Columbine Memorial Foundation, said she believed the initial reports that the killers were in the Trench Coat Mafia and targeted jocks.
Scott Jordan, Scottevest's chief executive, says the company is now working on an iPad-compatible trench coat that can be wrapped into itself to become an overnight bag.
Five months after Columbine, Cullen wrote an article published on Salon.com revealing that most members of a group dubbed the Trench Coat Mafia had graduated years earlier.
Capt Nowak, who flew to the international space station last July, then allegedly confronted Capt Shipman at Orlando International Airport, disguised in a wig and trench coat.
In the suburbs of Chicago, a girl called Anika was stopped at the school door for wearing a trench coat, and was told to take it home.
In the everyday world, if we see someone walking around with a mask and a trench coat and a dark hat and gloves on we get a little suspicious.
In the calamitous conclusion, she disguises herself in a trench coat and hat, allowing herself to be killed by the hit man her father hired to murder the Duke.
The suntanned IMF chief wore a black trench coat and an open-necked pale shirt, in contrast to the jeans and sweatshirts of the others waiting to be brought before the judge.
But oh, the things she's seen on my end: the excuse-making, the nightgown under the trench coat to drive the car pool, the panic every time I see a gray hair--and that's just the small stuff.
We drove past my old high school: there were bars on the windows where there hadn't been before I went to prison, armed uniformed guards out front where be-fore there'd been old-lady hall monitors with whistles, and I imagined that the bars and the guards were there to protect the students from me and not some teenage crazy in a trench coat stuffed with home-made ordnance.
First out was a plaid coat with a trench-style collar, oversized pockets and small rectangular cutouts.