Sheikh AWAD ALI HUSSEIN (Sunni Tribal Leader): (Through translator) Two of my brothers have been killed.
Mr. ABU KAREEM (Shiite Tribal Leader): (Through translator) An army major came to the funeral.
Mr Mandela assured her that his government did not want to erode her authority as tribal leader.
"All tribal chiefs of Sinai agreed to the destruction of all tunnels, " tribal leader Mohamed Tarabeeni told CNN.
Sheik Mohammed Azzedawi, a tribal leader, spoke to NPR by phone from a Basra neighborhood that is a Mahdi stronghold.
Sheikh AHMED ABU RISHA (Sunni Tribal Leader): (Through translator) And they are assassinated a lot of the sheikhs at that time.
Set in the fantastic world of Glorantha, you are the tribal leader of a people that recently migrated to the ancient lands of Dragon Pass.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: The tribal leader he's talking to speaks through a translator.
The opportunity for a tribal leader to come to Washington, D.
Tribal leader Elba Ramos Valiente told Mr Ramirez how Lucio Quevedo, 22, was murdered by gunmen in August after he surprised them unloading drugs from a plane.
Tribal leader Malik Samad and district chief Muhammad Haqbeen told CNN that Joseph and an Afghan doctor were abducted near the village of Jegdalek in the Sarobi district, just outside Kabul.
The province was also the home of the Bolebedu, a small tribe but with a rather impressive leader, Queen Modjadji V, the only female tribal leader in southern Africa, and perhaps the only one in the world with a reputation as a rainmaker.
Once the novelty of power wears off and the agony of austerity begins, these voters could migrate to a Labour Party rendered more Liberal-friendly by a non-tribal leader such as David Miliband (the former foreign secretary and favourite to take over the party).