Such tiny changes might seem trifling in comparison with the multibillion-dollar nature of the problem.
At least one ex-employee claims he was capriciously fired over a seemingly trifling disloyalty.
"Instead, it is an odd combination of caution, brazenness and political trifling, " writes Mr Mehta.
Yet radical welfare reform will inevitably arouse far more opposition than a trifling cut in benefits.
Despite its trifling size, the deal raises interesting questions about the thinking of its mastermind.
It's feel-good music for people who don't dwell on trifling details like words.
Mr Powell, whose second (and most probably final) five-year term expires in 2007, amiably waves away these trifling setbacks.
Thus, SM Entertainment took in a trifling 1.9 billion won in domestic digital sales in the first quarter of 2012.
And the rise in the oil price, as measured in anything other than the beleaguered dollar, has been comparatively trifling.
That Brett will serve only as interim hitting coach for the Kansas City Royals may suggest that this development is trifling.
And, paradoxically, this is why people are more than a trifling upset about the government mandating absolute transparency for air travel.
But trifling with Colombia-U.S. trade is only part of a larger outrage.
Set against the annual gains from increased longevity, such outlays are trifling.
Think that her doctorate and the professorship at one of the most prestigious universities in the world is just a trifling for her?
And that is just a trifling example of what goes on.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Don't Throw Good Money After Bad in the Middle East
The amounts involved in all these shenanigans are hardly trifling.
Such sums are far from trifling, yet bond markets are clearly unconvinced that they are enough to turn the economy around: government-bond yields fell to record lows this week.
Trifling as it sounds, the game, created by a Los Angeles shop called YaYa , attracted 40, 000 players in the first week it appeared on Chrysler 's Web site.
Since cables that are already in the water can be upgraded at a trifling additional cost, those companies that are dropping them today could soon be pulling out treasure chests.
The gliding gossamer ride of a BMW 7-series is astonishing, that's true, but the miracle moment slips away as the days pass, and the car begins to feel trifling and sedate.
WSJ: 2011 Cadillac CTS-V Sport Wagon: Insane, Unnecessary, Awesome | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
The fiscal cost of abolishing death duties may seem trifling, but it still means that for a given level of public spending other taxes must rise, which may harm incentives more.
Though this might seem a terrible toll, it was a trifling price for a critical strategic breakthrough, the last moment of the war when Hitler might credibly have stemmed the tide in the West.