Both Sergio Trigo Paz and Rick Rieder made statements that were bullish on the dollar.
FORBES: Connect
The affable Ganesan is also a former entrepreneur who founded Trigo Technologies, which was acquired by IBM in 2004.
FORBES: Menlo Ventures Adds Venky Ganesan As Managing Director
According to Trigo da Roza, ABPA has a co-investment agreement through a Portuguese government program (Compete) that uses EU funds.
FORBES: Portugal Re-Discovers Venture Capital
Sergio Trigo Paz repeatedly mentioned one trend which would have dramatic and long-lasting implications for emerging market fixed income investing.
Trigo da Roza brings an interesting background to his role.
Hoy el trigo tiene tres genomas distintos y es policloide.
BBC: Esta semana abordamos el tema de la gen��tica.
Sergio Trigo Paz was having conversations with multiple investors that planned to hold debt to maturity, and were matching the income flow from the emerging market bonds that they were buying to specific liabilities.