Their angry chants were directed at the troika, the EU and in particular Germany's Angela Merkel.
The troika is made up of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
The troika said Greece had made "significant progress" with economic reforms required to receive the funds.
The deal is also likely to get better as the Troika worry about losing the referendum.
But a European Commission spokesman denied that the troika had demanded Mr Kypri's removal.
BBC: Cyprus banks to reopen on Thursday after bailout closure
The so-called troika (the EU, IMF, the ECB) is delivering its report this week.
The troika was brought in to update Congress on the state of the ailing U.S. economy.
Watching over this is the troika of the EU, the IMF and the ECB.
Outside Jalalabad, the troika is thought to control only pockets of the eastern region.
The agreement by the troika (the EU, the IMF and the ECB) is a fudge.
Some 2bn euros of cuts suggested by the government were dismissed by the troika as unconvincing.
The troika will have to decide whether that is sustainable in the long term.
Lurking in the wings are the accountants of the troika: the IMF, the EU and the ECB.
Advisers recall that afterwards Mrs Merkel and the troika berated him as an irresponsible southern European politician.
Yukos, says James Fenkner at Troika Dialog, a Moscow investment bank, has a history of buying cheap.
The troika's lack of trust in Greece's politicians also dims the prospects of private investors returning there.
In a statement, Troika said it had not been served with the complaint that was filed March 25.
With a combined revenue twice that of Walgreen, this troika realized they could milk more from the mails.
And by the way, the troika experts have by no means made extreme assumptions to make a point.
Despite the troika's statement, MDC Secretary-General Tendai Biti said the disagreement extends beyond the Ministry of Home Affairs.
So the report from the troika will play a critical role in determining how the debate will unfold.
An EU-Troika bailout in the wake of such a shakeout would have more credibility and a less terrorizing effect.
The Troika really, really, does not want Greece to vote no and thus over turn the carefully crafted solution.
Tim Cain of Troika caught a dose when he went from lead programmer on Fallout to founder of Troika.
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The example of Troika also highlights that not everyone should be an entrepreneur.
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The troika did not indicate when or where the full summit meeting of the 15 SADC members would occur.
Inspectors from the EU, IMF and European Central Bank, known as the troika, are due in Greece this week.
Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras said that despite the troika's outstanding issues, "in my opinion, the loan tranche is secure".
In Spain, many people are now fully convinced that their Government is lying, spinning, marketing a message from the Troika.
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