By contrast, tea party activists consider the Troubled Asset Relief Program a betrayal of America.
In that latter role he was also the inventor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
It is likely Mr. Obama will need more money for the depleted Troubled Asset Relief Program.
In 2008, Congress attached the tax breaks to legislation establishing the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
But when we had our crisis in 2008, we had TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program).
He also alienated FreedomWorks by, among other things, supporting the Troubled Asset Relief Program during the Bush administration.
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But the Detroit rescue by the Troubled Asset Relief Program was a bad deal from start to finish.
Barofsky, the former special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which was crafted to bail out teetering banks.
Most people, I think, in their accounting of the Troubled Asset Relief Program was that -- that that money was gone.
But it is trying to rehabilitate its image after shaking off the government's yoke under the Troubled Asset Relief Program last year.
Barofsky, former special inspector general in charge of oversight of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, was there, on the ground, in the trenches.
FORBES: Book Review: Neil Barofsky On Bailouts, TARP, and Whether It Was All Worth It
Bharara is joined by the Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
For instance, Obama had asked for seven hundred and fifty billion dollars more for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which funds the bank bailouts.
But it was HAMP, or the Home Affordable Modification Program, established under TARP (the Troubled Asset Relief Program) that engendered the most hope for homeowners.
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The Troubled Asset Relief Program expires Sunday, meaning the Treasury Secretary can commit no more funds from the bailout legislation Congress passed two years ago.
There is, of course, a natural tension between the head of an organization, in this case the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), and its Inspector General.
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It was sponsored by a former Goldman Sachs executive-turned-Assistant Treasury Secretary, Neel Kashkari, who at the time was responsible for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
The report, compiled by the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, accuses no one of lying, and it makes no recommendations.
The Obama Treasury could do worse than to turn the TARP -- Troubled Asset Relief Program -- into the resolution agency that Paul Volcker and others originally envisioned.
One major carrot is the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
But the federal government, in a little-noticed ruling last year, decided that companies that received U.S. bailout money under the Troubled Asset Relief Program won't fall under that rule.
Crittenden, received an award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers for a series of articles on how much money remained in the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Neil Barofsky, a former Southern District prosecutor who left the office in December, 2008, to become the first inspector general of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, considers this a mistake.
Back in 2008, when Congress passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program, one of its aims was to curb excessive pay for the top managers at firms that needed taxpayer-funded rescues.
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In October 2008, under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, Congress and the Treasury Department took the first steps to limit compensation at companies receiving investments under the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Antonucci eventually pleaded guilty to many of those charges and sealed his fate in history as the first person convicted of attempting to steal from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP.
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He says the conservative bank has plenty of capital, has not cut its dividend and did not receive any Troubled Asset Relief Program funds, putting it in a prime position to grow.
And the previous administration started a program -- the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP -- to provide these financial institutions with funds to survive the turmoil that they had helped unleash.
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The argument that taxpayer money is needed to save or create jobs in America was the implicit purpose of TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) and the explicit purpose of the auto company bailouts.
The inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program is investigating whether the administration pressured GM to give the UAW special treatment, but the IG lacks subpoena power to force officials to testify.
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