More parents have been fined for truancy in Kent than anywhere else in the country.
Castlebrae has some of the worst exam results, truancy and exclusion rates in the country.
But a parents' group set-up to campaign against the new truancy laws has condemned the prison sentence.
The US has developed several model programmes to combat truancy with different strategies targeting different age students.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
There, a co-ordinated approach involving housing, local-authority services, schools and police has improved matters, reducing crime and truancy.
Fast track has been introduced as a way of regularising the way England's 150 education authorities deal with truancy.
Penalties may also be issued for disorder or truancy, dog fouling or graffiti.
And she said regular truancy sweeps are being held right across the county.
By making teachers accountable to local governments, Bihar, India's most unlettered state, roughly halved its truancy rate last year.
It also has some of the worst exam results in the country and the worst rates of truancy and exclusions.
Opposition councillor Brendan Jones, Lib Dem education spokesperson, said the initiative neeed to be seen alongside the council's truancy sweeps.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Pupils paid ?100 for turning up
Truancy is a growing problem in the US, says Dr Ken Seeley, president of the National Center for School Engagement.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
The government is concentrating on housing, homelessness and truancy but it acknowledges that the problem goes rather deeper than that.
Even children accompanied by adults are challenged, as research has shown that much truancy takes place with the consent of parents.
Prof Ken Reid, an adviser to the Welsh government on its truancy and behaviour policy, said fining parents was the wrong approach.
BBC: Truancy prosecutions in Wales rise 700% over five years
Mr. URI BEN-HAMO (Truancy Officer): We have to finish the job, okay?
More than 1, 300 pupils were stopped and questioned on the streets during truancy sweeps in the city from September to December 2003.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Pupils paid ?100 for turning up
Ferryhill Business and Enterprise College, near Durham, is the first school in the north-east of England to introduce the system to combat truancy.
All children in the city centre during school hours have been asked by anti-truancy patrols to explain why they are not in class.
All the legal penalties we've had over the last 50 or 60 years on truancy have never made much difference and have never worked.
BBC: Truancy prosecutions in Wales rise 700% over five years
Education Minister Leighton Andrews said earlier this year there would be zero tolerance of truancy, however there is still room for manoeuvre over holidays.
BBC: Warning over school term holidays in Wales by NAHT Cymru
"We will look at every single measure necessary to bear down on these problems of truancy, of anti-social behaviour, of juvenile offending, " he said.
Ms Casey published her report on Saturday, saying that cases of truancy, exclusion or bad behaviour at school were also cut by 52%.
The court heard a warrant had been issued for Woodall's arrest after she failed to attend court on 21 April to face truancy charges.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Parents face tagging over truancy
And it claimed that anti-truancy schemes already in place showed that such targeted education spending could produce a substantial reduction in youth crime rates.
In the city of York youth crime figures had fallen by 67% after truancy watch schemes were introduced, claimed the Schools Minister Jacqui Smith.
Dr Seeley says that truancy often begins after students' transition from middle school to high school in the US, at 13 or 14 years old.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
But a poll of 501 adults carried out on behalf of the Conservative Party found 72% thought truancy and poor discipline in schools had worsened.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Fewer children banned from school
The UK government has recently made tackling truancy a high priority.
School exclusions and truancy are part of the problem, but keeping disruptive pupils off the streets may not be compatible with raising standards in the classroom.