Children who played truant were being condemned to a life of unemployment and crime, he said.
The truant is young Sam Shakusky (Jared Gilman), and he has gone to find Suzy.
And the courts see truant students the next week instead of months later, helping to speed intervention.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
While the Indonesians were playing truant, Thailand's ministers were doing their best to pose as model students.
If the students continue to truant, their parents can be arrested for failing to ensure their children attend school.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
In Jacksonville Florida, schools use home visits to stress the importance of school with the parents of chronically truant students.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
And chronically truant students can be denied driving privileges in Florida and Rhode Island, proving an effective deterrent to absenteeism.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
Although most truant workers lacked the motivation to go to work, some were avoiding the headaches awaiting them at the office.
Meanwhile, education officials and police will search local areas for truant children.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Pupils paid ?100 for turning up
By the time she was in secondary school, the girl was smoking and playing truant and hanging around Oxford city centre to avoid home.
Jurors have heard how she met three of the defendants, Kamar Jamil, Akhtar Dogar and Anjum Dogar, in Oxford while playing truant from school.
And in May last year, 43-year-old Patricia Amos from Oxfordshire, was jailed for 60 days after she failed to stop her children playing truant.
Plans to cut benefits payments of parents whose children played truant were brought forward under Tony Blair's Labour government, but were scrapped in 2002.
As a child, Jacques, who was born in 1900, was encouraged to play truant by his father, who never held a job for long.
Last month, a secondary school in north Wales began testing a system of using mobile phone text messages to clamp down on pupils who played truant.
She told the court she and a friend would play truant from school when she was about 13 to meet the men, who were nice to her at first.
The creation of the special body coincides with news that the first woman in the UK jailed for failing to stop her children playing truant had been freed on appeal.
Sir Michael's comments follow claims made last year in an online forum that some disruptive pupils were paid to truant during inspections while weak teachers were encouraged to take sick leave.
Ireland is indeed sitting a rather long and uncomfortable class at the school of hard knocks and tough surprises, its children may be playing truant and heading for the private tuition of Canada and Australia but the lesson will be remembered.