On Sunday, he checked on volunteers furnishing three portable classrooms trucked to the elementary campus.
In October, Hackenberg and his son trucked the bees down to Florida for the winter.
About 30 tonnes of tampons and sanitary pads have recently been trucked from neighbouring South Africa.
ECONOMIST: Lack of foreign exchange is making life unbearable
Oil is trucked or pumped again with the aid of fossil fuels into the Midwest.
Clean water is being trucked in for residents until a different source of water can be found.
When it arrives--anywhere from ten to 25 days later--it then has to be trucked to its final location.
Pallets that pass muster are sent back to the loading dock to be trucked out to another customer.
Dismantled and crated, the fossil was trucked to the Cadogan Tate Fine Art storage facility, in Sunnyside, Queens.
Nelson's cottonseed is trucked from the Shallowater gin to the Plains Cooperative Oil Mill (PCOM), on the east side of Lubbock.
He got married and trucked everything to a new home with his bride.
The city government said that road checks were being stepped up to prevent live poultry from being trucked into Shanghai.
Those containers were quickly trundled off the ships and trucked 27 miles south to a distribution center in Fremont, Calif.
In many locations where the facilities don't exist on site, the water has to be trucked away to be cleaned.
Today some of that ethanol is trucked using petroleum products and at additional cost to markets around the country.
Because Afghanistan is landlocked, many of the supplies for NATO-led troops fighting Islamic militants there have to be trucked from Pakistan.
The rest comes in big pieces ready-made by suppliers and trucked to the assembly line, where Mercedes workers bolt them on.
In December, he began talking to FEMA officials about why the trailers that were being trucked into Hope weren't being trucked out.
Once a little molasses is stirred in, much of this trash becomes cattle feed, trucked just a short distance to the feedlots dotted among the cotton fields.
When Kenya's colonial government crumbled in 1963, Wambugu's father was rounded up--like so many young men--and trucked off to work on a white settler's farm.
Builders have been uprooting and moving big trees since at least the 1920s, when William Randolph Hearst had cypresses trucked in from Paso Robles, Calif.
WSJ: Moving an Octogenarian Is Tough, Especially One That Put Down Roots
He has put military officers in charge of administering the election, and barred independent observers from accompanying mobile ballot-boxes as they are trucked around the countryside.
Teams of Japanese inspectors fly into Port Lincoln to examine each harvest before it's flown off to Narita and trucked to the giant predawn Tsukiji Fish Market.
The emergency rations now being shipped, flown and trucked into the Sahel are indeed necessary and urgent by the time hunger and destitution are acute and widespread.
Tall concrete and stucco villas redefined a stretch of the horizon, while builders trucked in TVs, satellite dishes and boxes of hand-painted tile to decorate the houses.
Then the product was trucked about 200 miles to central Wisconsin, where another contractor bundled adhesive foam with plastic hooks and put the product into blister packaging.
The 1, 000-mile race kicked off in a festive mood as 66 teams posed with fans and sailed their sleds 11 miles on streets covered with trucked-in snow.
The shipment left Bolivia on 29 December 2010, was trucked to Chile and then shipped in containers to Taiwan, from where it was flown to Hong Kong.
The first advantage is that ozone can be made on the spot (from air) with an electrical discharge, so it does not have to be trucked to the user.
While other beers use hops trucked in from time zones away, Moonlight's Working for Tips thinks local: Its redwood twigs come from a tree in the brewery's front yard.
Some 5, 000 tonnes of diesel fuel are trucked across the border to Turkey every day, with the Turkish and Iraqi authorities and Kurdish intermediaries all taking a cut of the profits.