Founded pachinko and slots company Aruze, which recently acquired U.S. gaming-machine content supplier, True Blue Gaming.
All my Evertonian friends have been saying she is a true blue because she made me miss the game!
In the jungle of the financial world, there are few true blue gentlemen of ideal temperament and standards, whose word you can trust.
The Tories snatched the southern constituency of Bexley and Bromley - a true blue heartland - and Ealing and Hillingdon to the West.
Ultimately these shifts could undermine the true blue political strategy, perhaps as early as the 2010 congressional and state elections, and certainly after reapportionment.
The prime minister and other government ministers received a briefing Tuesday morning on plans for the funeral, the operations for which are code-named True Blue.
It is true that blue-collar, unionized, metal-bending shops that employed workers by the thousands are gone.
On many, if not most, issues, Lieberman is a true-blue Democrat.
Representative Giffords is a true Arizona gal, a blue-dog Democrat who prefers riding horses and motorcycles to limos, backs a strong military and is, in fact, married to Navy pilot and combat veteran Mark Kelly (he flew 39 missions in Operation Desert Storm and now commands space shuttle missions).
"Tim was a true child of Buffalo and the blue-collar roots from which he was raised, " Brokaw said Friday.
Irving Mann has been in business long enough to be skeptical of out-of-the-blue offers that seem too good to be true.
In the blue states the opposite is starting to be true: The richer and more educated one is, the likelier one is to vote Democratic or Independent.
Cabaret artist Tricity Vogue, whose entire stage show is based on the "Blue Lady" of Tretchikoff's painting, said it was a "dream come true" to come face-to-face with her muse in London this week, ahead of the sale.
CNN: 'Mona Lisa' of kitsch, most reproduced painting, sells for $1.5m
Prices, even the dealers' true cost, are now laid bare with the click of a mouse on sites like Kelley's Blue Book and Microsoft's CarPoint.
Now, it's true that not long ago, you could drop out of high school and reasonably expect to find a blue-collar job that would pay the bills and help support your family.