Bobby Hatfield was a true soul man and, along with Bill Medley, were favorites of mine growing up as a kid in the United States Midwest.
The 58-year-old is a true football man, not given to outpourings of emotion, and when he speaks about his wife he does so slowly and with feeling.
Since then, Akyroyd has proved himself a true renaissance man with talents not only as an Actor, but as a Producer, Radio Personality, Restaurateur (House of Blues), Wine Maker, and now as distiller of Crystal Head Vodka.
This is a man surrounded by mythology -- can all the rumors be true and how does any man look after 13 wives?
But Nina may represent a true leap forward in man-machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Locke is the Mulder of the island, the true believer, a man healed, risen from paralysis and depression.
Personal connections may give comfort, but are no substitute for true institutional checks or true experience of a man's character, which many of Mr. Madoff's clients seemed not to have.
Searching for Sugar Man - the true story of 1970s rocker Rodriguez - won best documentary.
"John Allen is one of America's finest military leaders, a true patriot, and a man I have come to respect greatly, " Mr. Obama said in a written statement.
Apollo becomes a tall, youthful soldier with long golden hair, Arnold a lumbering warrior, having the torso of a bear and the majestic head of a lion, and Tom aging tenfold into withered old man, his true age becoming only too apparent.
Alex MacDonald is a softly spoken railway man, and a true Highland gentleman.
But while it's exciting to contemplate the giving nature of Gates and Buffett, if their true desire is to help their fellow man, they should hoard every penny of their significant wealth.
Because of all this against us, I had no choice but to repent, turn to God, become a true Child of God and Son of Man, seeking God with All His Righteousness and purity, becoming One with Him and Him in Us.
But the man who made his dream come true is Ron Dennis, the boss of McLaren.
Each man knows that the other is a true adversary, and there is mental muscle, not just physical daring, at work on their private common ground.
In Barack Obama we have a man with little patience or taste for true leadership, with a defining disproportion between his experience and his power, who is a bigger hypocrite than Romney and far more consequentially so.
If true, it's a remarkable turnaround for a man who helped pioneer those tactics.
So Hall is the man responsible for making such a dream come true.
If this is indeed true, there should be a bidding war for this man.
Sir Patrick Moore was a "true icon, " the chairman of the Isle of Man's Astronomical society has said.
And that's true even if everyone knows you're the fastest man in the world, if you're the reigning Olympic champion, if you hold the world record - nothing gets you a free pass to Beijing.
In a striking reversal a California federal judge has canceled his earlier order prohibiting an Orange County man from making negative statements, whether "true or false, " about Monex, the controversial precious metals dealer suing him for attempted extortion.
Even if that were true, however, there seems limited opportunity for the new man to make a big impact.
For years, Jobs was the man who got on stage and made our dreams come true.
FORBES: The Man who Became a Logo: How we Memorialize Steve Jobs
Many others have been railing at Ms. Coulter for her poor choice(s), but you showed us all what is to be a real man, a real person, with no fear and true love.
FORBES: John Franklin Stephens' Triumph Over Ann Coulter Use Of R-Word
Lt Col Strickland said Cpl Pun, 33, a father-of-two from Khibang village in Nepal's Magdi District, had been a "true Gurkha... steadfast and loyal", and a man who had "immediately earned the respect of his men".
The Oracle at Delphi saw the true nature of Socrates, telling him that he was the wisest man in Athens not because he knew it all but because he was the only one who knew that he did not know.
It is not true, as Michel de Montaigne maintained, that the profit of one man is the damage of another.
FORBES: You Can Always Depend on the Self-Interest of Strangers