Kumaratunga's trump card has been to offer the Tamils regional autonomy in the north and east.
Whatever Singapore's advantage in management and physical plant, Thailand holds a trump card in its tourist trade.
If Mayweather has a trump card in the "greatest fighter ever" argument, it is his unblemished record.
Although the outcome of that bid is uncertain, Indian officials think they now hold a trump card.
But they have a trump card over most other retirement investments: You can't outlive their guaranteed lifetime payments.
But growing stem cells without a layer of mouse feeder cells is hardly a trump card for the firm.
For now, the publishers' trump card is that their ownership of a prestigious title gives them vast powers of validation.
The Netherlands' trump card was Dirk Nannes, who has Indian Premier League experience, allied to spells with Victoria and Middlesex.
Rather than despair, Moskowitz played his trump card--himself and a few key Ceradyne employees--to get the best deal he could.
The Wall Street Journal says security may not be the trump card for Republicans that it has been in the past.
On the face of it, this should be the Democrats' trump card.
When it comes to taxes, treaties are something of a trump card.
FORBES: War Tax Resister Claims IRS Regulation Violates Human Rights Treaty
On the other hand, Europe may still hold one future trump card.
Obama has a trump card and can declare a national emergency to pay debt and I think the electorate would be behind him.
Also, land is back at the centre of West Bengal's electoral politics but this time, it is the TMC that holds the trump card.
The question Democrats must be racking their brains over today is why in the world Gore didn't better play his greatest trump card--the economy.
Their flexibility remains their trump card in the era of star casting, while celebrities ultimately need to sound enough like themselves to be recognized.
But the Democrats' trump card was to present themselves as the embodiment of the status quo at a time when the Californian economy is booming.
Some have posited that because Section 5 is broader than the Sherman Act, it gives the FTC a trump card over these unfavorable antitrust decisions.
FORBES: Google And The FTC's Investigation: A Cautionary Tale
Moreover, it appears that he hopes to force his European partners to negotiate a new membership status for the UK thanks to his new referendum trump card.
His trump card was to announce that he would retain Roberto Lavagna, Mr Duhalde's economy minister, who last year hauled the economy back from the brink of hyperinflation.
But U.S. law has a trump card for such challenges.
FORBES: IRS Offers Carrot And Stick For Offshore Disclosures
When people used to routinely mock synchronized swimmers for their peacock makeup and matching nose clips, the nation's top competitors in the sport held a trump card: Olympic medals.
WSJ: Synchro de Mayo: A Struggling U.S. Sport Throws Itself a Party
Thousands of people have protested at Istanbul University against the ban on beards, prompting the education authorities to produce their trump card - a ban on student demonstrations as well.
With an election due this year, Mr Rudd always held a constitutional trump card: the power to dissolve both houses of parliament together, and resubmit the bill to the new parliament.
Universal delivers its trump card with Despicable Me 2 over July 4th weekend while Dreamworks releases its snail-racing comedy Turbo on July 17th, a frankly unusual release date for them, but no matter.
FORBES: Can Fox And Dreamworks Combined Challenge Disney's Animation Empire?