Since there might be more than one logically consistent solution to a problem, the idea would be to enable a computer to arrive at the same truth value that a human would, by reasoning in a similar fashion.
The thing is, all economists (other than the Marxists perhaps) accept this as an obvious truth about value.
Ms. CINDY FORNELLI (Executive Director, Center for Audit Quality): The investors are entitled to know the truth about the current value of these securities, even if it's bad news.
Sister Cataldus said she had worked in South Africa and had seen the value of the truth and reconciliation process there.
In truth, Henry's value to the Red Bulls comes not just from the fact he's such a remarkable goalscorer, but that he's also a scorer of such remarkable goals.
McCarthy learned the value of the half-truth and innuendo early on in his career.
Here the truth is that almost all of the value of those machines is imported into China as components.
FORBES: China's Technology Trade Deficit: Yes, China's Trade Deficit
For example, two businessmen can more easily work together, to create new goods and services of value, if each tells the truth and upholds their commitments.
Truth, relevance, engagement, research, and big value, they are all important aspects of social media marketing, and have become part of the established mind set.
It is a sad truth of corporate life that most mergers fail to deliver shareholder value.
Truth be told, I love them too and I own value stocks in my retirement account via exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and DFA funds.
There is little value in asking directly because people tend not to tell the truth, he said, so tracking sharing shows what people are actually reading, not what they want you to think they are reading.
Thank goodness for gold always telling the truth, and for those who doubt its constancy as a measure of value, an ounce in 1971 bought 15 barrels of oil, and an ounce today buys a little over 16.
FORBES: David Stockman Brings New Meaning To 'Flawed Economic Analysis'
Because Kellogg's seems now to realize an essential truth of 21st-century business: In a connected world, companies who value and create stronger connections with their customers will win.
The truth is that all of this is speculation, and the people who were sent to value the riches have been told to submit the inventory and its value to the court.
The other is value-free multiculturalism--and please do not confuse this with the 18th-century truth that all men are created equal.