So we are working with both parties to try to find the appropriate way forward.
Senator Bailhache, the island's former bailiff, said he had written to the archbishop, asking him to try to find a way to reconcile the two parties.
"It's a very legitimate question to ask, should I try to find a way to get under the 50-employee threshold, " says Alden Bianchi, a partner with law firm Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo PC in Boston.
So what we try to do is find a way to maintain the high levels of risk management of a clearing house, but also provide capital efficiency to the people who are participating in the clearing house arrangement.
The foursome acquired at the trade deadline still have no idea where they're going when they hop in a car and try to find their way around the city.
"We understand that the Arts Council of Wales (ACW) and Powys County Council, as the key funders, are working with the festival's Board of Trustees to try and find a positive way forward for the festival, " she said.
Even so, Mr Blair will try to find a way to soothe the unionists.
And he must try to find a way of criticising the coalition's cuts, while making Labour credible on the economy again - still its biggest challenge.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said last night he will try to find a way to bring the bill back to the floor in a few weeks.
And no matter how hard the French try to clamp down, the people of Oas always find a way in.
And those values are especially important to remember now, as we continue to try and find a way forward in light of the budget cuts that are already starting to cost us jobs and hurt our economy.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President in Personnel Announcements
Those goals are especially important to remember now, "as we continue to try and find a way forward in light of the budget cuts that are already starting to cost us jobs and hurt our economy, " he said.
Help for the animals in several forms has poured in as people across the country try to find some way of reaching out.
Let's try and find a way to enter into the original spirit of what this piece was about, to play with the tension between an 18th-century text and a 21st-century context.
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She is so defensive in her article that she even takes jabs with the title "Don't Marry A Lazy Man" when the title has nothing to do with her article, and yes, I read her article all the way through, just to try to find out where she got that title, and never did see the correlation.
Iraq may yet try to find some way of not destroying all the missiles, or at least some of their components.
The group has been pushing both city officials and the companies that own the rights to try to find some way to regulate them.
But I know that they are actively working each and every moment of the day to try to find a way forward on direct talks.
The company and union had been in talks at Acas during the day to try to find a way forward on disagreements over BA's cost-cutting plans.
The young people of Cazuca are threatened by various social conflicts, however they try to move forward with their own lives and to find a way to express themselves before the world, to exploit their potentials and attitudes.
Ms Notopoulos did not try to find out if videos were preserved in the same way on such smartphones.
The bugs mutate, and we try to find way to cure a disease caused by mutated virus.
Huge swatches of neon yellows, reds and lime-green swiped across every surface try to provide the color-coding necessary to find one's way around within the vast black box.
WSJ: The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book | By Julie V. Iovine | Public Library Renovation
And I have certainly allowed for the fact that that measure may not pass, and that if it does not pass we will move forward and try to find a way to reach an agreement that ensures that the American people, 160 million of them, get the kind of tax relief that this President firmly believes they deserve and need next year.
The key insight here is that systemic collapse brings about its own form of moral hazard as the safe thing to do is not to try to find smart ways of accessing risk, but to make sure that when the crisis comes your bank fails in the typical way.
Because the choices really are often insoluble and the losses are often so actual, we in the mental health professions frequently try to find "a third way" to help people cope.
Compass chairman Neal Lawson told the BBC the group's proposal was "to try and find a way out of this mess".
The bad guys are increasingly using social media to try to find a way in, either by gathering intelligence or by befriending employees who may be tricked into opening an e-mail with nasty code within.
We'll try to find out what exactly the problems are and what the solutions are to those problems and the best way to implement those solutions.
So the obvious way to find out whether a number is prime is to try dividing it by all numbers which are smaller than its square root.