Mr Cuvillier suggested that Mr Wrightson, from Ashington, had saved lives by tryingtoslowdown the vehicle by hitting rocks rather than risk it going over a precipice.
Its government is tryingtoslowdown lending, but at the same time we have started seeing news of possibly another multi-hundred-billion-dollar stimulus over the next few months.
To add insult to the injury of the Fed's tryingtoslow the economy down, Greenspan fretted over the evils of the untimeliness of the Republicans' mild tax cut proposals.
But first, across the US, land managers are tryingto find ways toslowdown the loss of open space and water sources, many of them threatened by rampant development.
Dr. O'BROCHTA: The basic idea is that the kinds of changes that insect geneticists are tryingto make in mosquitoes could actually help propel the use of these changes into nature and not slow them down.