The Bush Administration calls this battlefield intelligence collection effort the Terrorism Surveillance Program (TSP).
Setting legal considerations aside, it is worth noting that TSP hardly sprung from the imagination of Orwell.
If the taxpayer is receiving regular payments of money from the TSP, the levy attaches to those payments.
There are no expensive actively-managed funds in TSP, and no fees are paid to advisers for speculating on markets.
The Thrift Investment Board (TIB) takes a different position, stating that the money in a TSP cannot be levied.
Its expense ratio is 0.19 percent, much lower than the private sector average and only slightly higher than the TSP.
Hatch has proposed an amendment that would clarify that moneys in a TSP could be subject to levy for back taxes.
So, as with private sector retirement accounts, the IRS has rules for levies and liens on TSP accounts, depending on the circumstances.
The OLC issued a memorandum opinion in 2010 (downloads as a pdf) holding that TSP accounts are, in fact, subject to levy.
Boston-based Fidelity's ad, directed at federal employees in Washington, refers to converting "your old TSP" to a Fidelity IRA. In a letter to Sen.
So, why not take it one step further to help solve the financial literacy in America by giving TSP to the rest of that nation?
In the analogous Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) for federal workers, 3 of the 6 investment accounts among which workers can choose suffered deep losses during the financial crisis.
FORBES: Social Security Personal Accounts And The Financial Crisis
Moreover, the Optimus G will be the first smartphone to be equipped with LG Innotek and LG Display's newly developed G2 Touch Hybrid Display for touchscreen panels (TSP).
ENGADGET: LG Optimus G revealed: 1.5GHz quad-core CPU, ICS, LTE, 4.7-inch screen with in-cell touch
Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced plans that may rankle some of those in the public sector: legislation that would subject Thrift Savings Plans (TSP) to levies for back taxes.
Government already drives K-12 education and is deeply involved in higher education, and tools such as TSP are all ready in place to improve the system on a mass scale.
Mr. David added that while some investors may be well served by staying in the TSP plan, others may want to consolidate their retirement accounts in one place and gain access to a wider array of funds through an IRA. In a statement, Sen.