The notion that foreigners will turn away from the dollar and U.S. markets is farfetched.
Growing families may turn away from a two-bedroom house in favor of a three-bedroom one.
He says only movies that turn away from financial realities will succeed during the recession.
U-turn away from the nationalisation and fiscal recklessness that began the Mitterrand presidency in 1981.
Well, in this age of many distractions, many of us fans would turn away from the game.
However, it remains to be seen whether Huckabee supporters will turn away from the candidate over this issue.
But he thinks that, given time, security, decent government and development, they would turn away from the insurgents.
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Talk was beginning to turn away from corporate fraud and towards safer if duller topics such as outsourcing.
Scott hit the ball beautifully the entire day and watched one putt after another turn away from the hole.
Although a little hard to see, his bare feet turn away from the table and from his newest convert.
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Columbia's crew did not turn away from the challenge, and neither will we.
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In the Old Town, the narrow, shade-dampened streets turn away from its embrace.
This would be a bad moment, therefore, to turn away from further liberalisation.
But suppose Mr. Fayyad's statement marks a tentative turn away from these positions?
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It was, for many, the horrible train wreck they just couldn't turn away from, even though they know they should.
But if people then do not see themselves in this future, they will permanently turn away from politics and society.
The dropout rate is 50 percent and I've just seen a lot of young people turn away from an alternative lifestyle.
And when it comes to this issue we have to turn away from partisanship, because this is about our children and their children.
Some of the scenes are surprisingly troubling, including one moment when a dog nearly drowns while the other animals turn away from him.
Conservative allies have been frustrated by her turn away from a cherished policy victory, and nuclear opponents have seen the move as opportunistic.
Personal drive in this case is about self-control, the will and determination to master emotions, to turn away from the object of temptation.
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In the best traditions of this country we do not turn away from challenge but fact it head on in order to move ahead.
The dealers had two more reasons to turn away from Goodyear.
For whatever reason, though, he began to turn away from cosmology.
With a full supply of candles and a freezer full of fish, Ms. Gowen said she predicted the storm would turn away from the historic town.
At worst, if the French were to turn away from the treaty, it would be rendered toothless and useless, because of France's muscle within the eurozone.
When that happens, the company begins to turn away from the Big Picture towards minutiae, and begins to focus on the numbers for the numbers sake alone.
Because one of the deepest values of our country is compassion, we must never turn away from any citizen who feels isolated from the opportunities of America.
The boys and young men can be socially isolated because their damage makes peers and the community turn away from them, and that only compounds their problems.
Businesses that value connections to global markets will weigh this aspect in their decisions about employment and investment, and over time some will turn away from London and Britain.