The American panel is also aware that if Tehran cannot turn down the heat in Iraq, it certainly can turn it up.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Iran has limited influence in Iraq
How much heat the client wanted was simply a function of how much money they wanted to spend, so turn it up.
Now ScoreBig wants to turn it up another notch and open up its more than a million available tickets (at any one time) to the multi-million MileagePlus membership.
FORBES: United MileagePlus Partnership Opens Vast Membership To Sporting And Entertainment Events
So while last January's CES brought us news of 1, 920 x 1, 200 screens, quad-core CPUs and a proliferation of Android Ice Cream Sandwich offerings, the year ahead aims to take that same tack and turn it up a few notches.
As 50% of inactive atoms would have spread throughout the whole mountain as a result of 50% remaining rule applied, it would turn up that it would be easily to locate a small portion of rock from the mountain that would not respond to radioactive decay.
Recently my furnace needed some repairs (unrelated to the Nest), and it was super convenient to be able to toggle it on and off from my iPhone in the basement instead of having to run upstairs, turn it on, run down to observe it, then run back up to turn it off.
Remember, this case was not just about the government taking property to expand much-needed infrastructure, or confiscating condemned, dilapidated property in order to fix it up or turn it into a library.
He said it was "just common sense" that if the pair did not turn up it would be inferred that "they are treating this court and this case with, putting it generously, indifference".
Nagase plans to license this technology to other companies, so don't be surprised if you see it turn up in someone else's player.
ENGADGET: Nagase TRANSGEAR HMP-100 features local Gracenote DB
Even the greatest of masterpieces is bound to look different when you hang it upside down and fresher when you turn it right side up again.
That would be protection from the reputation ruining that comes from someone tagging you in a nasty blog post and having it turn up as the first result in a Google search of your name, but also protecting people from themselves in this age of indiscreet Facebooking and Tweetaholicism.
This is when they turn it off and hang up the towel.
FORBES: NFL Free Agency Speculation: 5 Players Who'll Flop Big-Time After Monster Deals
"If you come out this week and don't turn up then it's going to be hard for Daniel to say 'here's your jersey for next week', " said Flannery.
"Since cork can modulate temperature and damp sound, " says Ms. Moura Guedes, "it could turn up in large public spaces, terminals or restaurants" and be applied beyond existing soundproofing usage in recording studios.
During his studies he decided to help seniors learn to work their computers: turn it on, set up email and the biggest request, send photos or write emails to their kids or grand kids.
After that, it might turn up on DVD.
FORBES: Could a Feature Film Help Sarah Palin's Presidential Chances?
It normalises it - and clearly those people who don't turn up don't see it.
In the midst of the financial crisis last week, it was John McCain's turn to pick up the ball and run with it.
If you come home and you inch the thermostat up to 73 degrees a few days in a row, it will learns to turn up the heater to 73 at 5:45 every day on its own.
Social media makes it easier to turn up the megaphone of our own ideas.
It may well turn up at a Southern California flea market for half of what you paid.
Maybe we should all just not turn up, as it will be far too appalling an atmosphere to be part of.
The couple ordered a cab from Ipswich Taxis on a Sunday afternoon and phoned the office when it did not turn up.
BBC: Taxi driver fined after Ipswich blind couple refused fare
Her daughter Liz Tuddenham, who was with her at the time, phoned for an ambulance at 17:30 GMT, but it did not turn up until about 23:00.
BBC: Irene Playford from Fakenham in five-hour ambulance wait
The group is especially concerned about some chemicals which it says "turn up regularly" and "are known or suspected hormone disrupters which can work on the hormone system at very low levels".
At the bottom of some piece of paper to sign and fill in and that goes back to the company concerned who in turn passes it on to my bank, who in turn sets up the direct debit arrangement.
But it's the live preview that will set this one apart (at least until Canon, Nikon or Sony catch up) -- and either make you rush out to buy it, or make you turn up your nose in disdain.
It is trying to turn up, and is now oversold enough to fuel a rally.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Are Hedge Fund Investors Bailing Out?