And we saw it all before just a few years ago in Bosnia for four long years until NATO acted, combining with the resistance of Bosnians and Croatians to bring the Dayton peace agreement and to turn the tide of ethnic cleansing there.
Repeatedly the respect and loyalty that Dr Williams earned, was able to turn the tide of opinion.
Leinster threw on Contepomi in an attempt to turn the tide of the game but the effect was minimal.
BBC: Ronan O'Gara is tackled by Stanley Wright and Trevor Hogan
The World Health Organization is hopeful that legislation like the bill in California will turn the tide of parents opting out of vaccinations.
CNN: Opting out of vaccinations could get tougher in California
Will politicians really be able to turn back the tide of mergers?
And of course, many are placing high hopes on what the participation of women will do to turn the tide in the recession.
If we want the tide to turn and the ratio of men to women to really change then we need to start making women realize that fact.
Enlisting the support of Mr McCain is a clever attempt to turn the tide, on several levels.
He was there again this week, struggling to turn back a Conservative tide which has engulfed a swathe of small cities and rural areas across the centre of the province, from the outskirts of Ottawa in the east to Niagara Falls in the south and the university town of London in the west.
By the end of the episode, the tide is beginning to turn when a row about washing nears epic proportions.
The tide of protest may now be starting to turn.
ECONOMIST: Pent-up frustration at the flaws of a successful democracy
There is enormous potential in the UN Plan of Action in bringing the full weight of the UN to bear on the challenges, and in being a point of reference for others who share the concern to turn the tide.
"We can turn the tide, I don't think to get rid of Rafa now is the answer, " Aldridge told Sky Sports.
Scotland will become the first place in the UK to introduce minimum drink pricing and the coalition government has proposed a minimum price of 40p per unit of alcohol in England and Wales in an effort to "turn the tide" against binge drinking.
If the surge in troops is to work, if the government writ is to run across the country, if Nato is to ever have a chance of leaving Afghanistan with dignity, then the troops out on the ground must turn the tide against the insurgency in Helmand.
So, yes, absolutely, that world climate against terrorism--well, people stopped seeing the point of terrorism or stopped seeing that there was any justification for it--certainly helped turn that tide.