For example, I was horrified to find out that there is something called Jupiter grades out there, where a parent is notified on a daily, sometimes hourly basis every time their child has an assignment due, or does not turn something in on time.
"You've got to pick 1, 000 homes to turn everything off in--or 10, 000 homes to turn something off in--to counter one windmill, " he says.
Finally, should something unfortunate turn up in one of your e-mails, as a last resort you might try the "just kidding" defense.
The idea of choice in education is something that would totally turn around education in this country.
"We have to turn disappointment into something that works in our favour, " he said, referring to their FA Cup final against Aston Villa on 20 May.
That could imperil the country's ability to meet budget targets, something that in turn could call forth even harsher measures and once again stoke fears about the island's long-term future inside the euro zone.
If there does turn out to be something nasty in the woodshed, his enemies will brand him as complacent or, worse, claim plausibly that his chosen image of prudence and iron resolve was a fake.
With the promise to deliver value to everybody involved here, to pay back the government, and eventually turn that nothing into something, in exchange for which I got a chance to give you technology and then to run it.
All this, in turn, requires something else, which is something more fundamental.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Opening Plenary of Nuclear Security Summit | The White House
There is also still a danger that it will turn out that there is something else toxic in the system that will keep the crisis going, but Jon Danielsson doubts that.
In something of a turn around Comium have become the league sponsors after their rivals Africell had initially been lined up to back the competition, which was due to begin in January.
We are still feeling the effects of the subprime mortgage crisis, as banks tighten up on lending (they don't even want to lend to each other, which tells you something), which in turn has sharply slowed the U.S. economy.
This incentive, in turn, leads you to want to take pride in your work, as something that is about your clients, rather than about short-term moneymaking.
FORBES: Want to Improve Goldman Sachs? Convert it Back into a Partnership
"It's not going to happen overnight and we have to manage people's expectations but I'm absolutely confident it's possible to turn this airport around and provide something that people in Wales can be rightly proud of, " he said.
We want something to happen in this country to turn things around.
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That was more than enough to take the progress represented by the above numbers and turn them into something that looks a lot like running in place.
Its slow creeping against the wall reminded me that the world did in fact turn and that time was something other than the stagnant pool my life was draining into.
The shock of the realization that Charles was taking this seriously was enough to make the rest of us begin to toy with the idea that this informal meeting might, in fact, turn out to be something worthwhile.
Meanwhile, Notebaert still needs to pull something out of his hat in order to turn around Qwest's fortunes.
Now Malaysia appears intent on following those same models once more, by deferring an inevitable financial crisis in the vain hope that something will turn up.
That his middle name, Hussein, is reckoned to be something of a liability in America is in turn seen in parts of the Middle East as evidence of American Islamophobia.
"The purpose of the activity is a further challenge to get them to think about it in a different way and to take a complex story about which they have written an in-depth essay and turn it into something that can be used for other students, " he said.
It offers free turn-by-turn voice-guided navigation, something that wasn't available in the old app.
This way, even if I only have a few minutes to work on it before I turn in for the night, I can still do something useful.
In other words, it's something to turn on to divert your infant for a few moments, but it is not intended as a replacement child-minder.
If you want to keep the company moving, or you ran into a dead end in a maze, and you turn around and try something else.
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Already in a relaxed mood, Torre jokingly said that Jeter was still holding a grudge against him for something that had innocuously occurred in a game at the turn of the 21st century.
Whether or not you believe in God, religions accomplish something miraculous: They turn large numbers of people who are not kin into a group that is able to work together, trust each other, and help each other.
But here's the thing -- I already asked him, and the chances that I'm going to be so desperate for a social recommendation that I'll turn to my social networks for something to do is, at least in my case, slim to none.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Please don't personalize me. I know who I am
That "something" could be hormone levels in utero, epigenetic factors that turn autism susceptibility genes "on" and "off" during development, or the fact that young girls have in general better social skills than boys and so need a bigger "dose" of what causes ASD to cross that threshold to being impaired.