That includes steep rises in a tax on financial transactions, and in a turnover tax, now to be extended to banks.
Though greater competition puts pressure on bookies' profit margins, the increase in turnover wrought by the tax cut is more than compensating.
An industrial policy features a cut in payroll taxes but only for a few industries, which will pay a (smaller) tax on turnover instead.
The new tax is even more reason to move income-generating investments such as high-yield bonds or high-turnover mutual funds into tax-sheltered accounts such as IRAs, says Eric Lewis, a principal at Bedrock Capital Management, a financial-planning firm in Los Altos, Calif.
Someone who joined the fund three years ago has been treated to stiff fees, high turnover, underperformance and a tax bill.
Comparing profits tax paid to turnover for example, not to profits?
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High turnover often creates large annual tax bills.
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The new tax will not be on turnover, on the money put into the machine.
Tax efficiency is super high because fund has little turnover and only small dividend income.
Both passive and active ETFs attempt to minimize shareholders costs, but actively managed ETFs might not be as tax efficient as ETFs that track indexes due to increased turnover.
Responding to Scottish government claims that the tax represents only 0.1% of the large retailers' turnover, he said they are efficient at turnover and do not make large profit margins.
It is not clear, however, that the same people appear in the bottom quintile in 1999 as did in 1977: most studies show a rapid turnover of people in the lowest income group, reflecting temporary problems or self-employed people exploiting tax loopholes.
It has also been proposed that small traders will need to pay a small flat tax of 0.25% - against 1% proposed earlier - on their annual turnover.
Lotto alone, with about 40% of the 21.3 trillion lire turnover in legal betting and games of chance last year, brought in 2.5 trillion lire of tax revenues.