"I absolutely repudiate such comments, " Mr. McCain declared, and the press corps tut-tutted its approval.
When questions are raised, the various alleged members of the Republican leadership keep saying Tut!
And then, of course, came the usual chorus of carping, tut-tutting and deep regretting.
The country that tut-tuts at Europe's mega-holidays thinks nothing of giving its children such a lazy summer.
ECONOMIST: Children are exceptions to the country��s work ethic
Any longer and passengers behind you start to tut or even push past.
In these instances, anxious tut-tutting from the Kremlin may not be entirely sincere.
Sorkin would tut-tut that Jobs never used the symbolic position of the President to speak out on various pet issues.
FORBES: Why Andrew Ross Sorkin Should Apologize to Steve Jobs
And soon the greying gamers will start tut-tutting about some new evil threatening to destroy the younger generation's moral fibre.
Tut had an agent for print and television and was most famous for being the black cat in the Movado watch ads.
But competitors, including the publicly held Tut Systems and Copper Mountain, are ahead in customer counts and have more cash to burn.
Catholics and evangelicals tut-tut, and the middle-aged try to avoid it all.
ECONOMIST: The government will be less abstemious than it claims
Undocumented immigrant is not only not pejorative, it implies a moral judgement an implicit tut-tut for misplacing some papers of failing to dot ever i and cross every t.
Tut-tutting, my dream-self collects the discarded jewels and then walks around aimlessly looking for Mom so I can both read her a stern lecture and return them to her.
South Africa's Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) and the Applied Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science (ACCESS) hosted the first in a series of workshops for scientists and journalists.
Some Singaporeans were tut-tutting as the song went viral.
WSJ: Thursday's the Day to Go All the Way For Civic Duty in Singapore
The hypothesis came after extensive analysis of high resolution images published online last year by Factum Arte, a Madrid-based art restoration specialist who helped create a facsimile of King Tut's burial chamber in Luxor.
Even as Chancellor Merkel stands before Israel's Knesset to tut tut her concern over the mullahs, Germany isn't even taking the least costly steps to help keep Iran from achieving its nuclear ambitions.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Iranian economy unwisely helped by Germany
The multiple ongoing exhibitions in New York City focusing on King Tutankhamun and Egyptiana, as well as an ancillary Tut show in Denver, celebrate one of the first visible flowerings of human creativity the invention of the human, to borrow a term from critic Harold Bloom, and are worthy undertakings.
FORBES: The New Tutmania: Considering The Half-Life Of An Afterlife