Twenty-five-year-old Kimia(ph) is trying to get a visa to go to Germany and continue her studies.
It was ratified and went into force in 1970, initially with a term of twenty-five years.
Twenty-five people were arrested in 2009 over the kidnapping of some 16 wealthy Bulgarians for ransom.
One was priced at twelve thousand dollars, the two others at twenty-five thousand apiece.
Twenty-five years later, I had made my way to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Her body was found six months later, in a field twenty-five miles away, by mushroom pickers.
Twenty-five years ago, Cameron's predecessor Margaret Thatcher was called a "conviction" politician, not a passionate one.
Then, for about a period of twenty-five years, that trend stalled and the question was why.
He was twenty-five, with a light-brown crew cut, a blond beard, and small hoop earrings.
"Twenty-five calories is not a serving, so we nibble without thinking we are eating, " he says.
We estimate the cost to be approximately a trillion dollars over the past twenty-five years.
The Apaches fired on the men for twenty-five seconds, killing nearly all of them instantly.
Twenty-five cases have been filed by individuals protesting Morsy's decision to reinstate parliament, the court said.
Twenty-five people, including a driver and several schoolchildren, were hurt when two buses crashed in Salford.
For, say, a referendum campaign, they charged between twenty-five thousand and seventy-five thousand dollars.
Twenty-five new models are to be produced on three platforms between now and 2004.
Maybe the Nifty Twenty-Five now leading the market will correct individually like Coca-Cola and Lucent.
Twenty-five years ago in one swift air raid the Israelis destroyed Iraq's nuclear facility.
Suncor expects to continue to pull tar sands out of it for the next twenty-five years.
A. raised the money by assessing twenty-five dollars a year from every one of its members.
Twenty-five police officers are searching woods in Bolton-by-Bowland in the Ribble Valley for his remains.
T. for cancer research, twenty million to Johns Hopkins University, and twenty-five million to the M.
Twenty-five years ago, the Soviet Union and United States each had about 25, 000 nuclear weapons.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: National Security Over Politics on START
Twenty-five attacks will be examined - in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, the Palestinian territories and Somalia.
Twenty-five years ago, the slice taken by financial firms was about a seventh of the whole.
Obie glanced up at the dusty brass disk holding a circle of twenty-five-watt bulbs.
All but twenty-five American soldiers had departed, and even they would be leaving soon.
It was willing to pay twenty-five million rubles, or more than eight hundred thousand dollars.
He decided that before notifying Watson in the Farley, twenty-five miles away, he needed more information.
The organization now has a staff of twenty-five and an annual budget of four million dollars.