That's the proposed replacement for the fallen twin towers at the World Trade Center site.
The ending of the sequel to "Men in Black" featured the twin towers and is being re-written.
The Millenium Hotel suffered structural damage and had 500 windows blown out when the Twin Towers collapsed.
The steel and glass entry pavilion will include two large steel columns salvaged from the twin towers.
That sum doesn't include the potential payoff from his suit against 22 insurers of the Twin Towers.
And the policy that people cared about most was the twin towers of fiscal (tax) and monetary (dollar) policy.
Other than these, no major corporate collection was housed in the twin towers.
Mr Giuliani says 184 bodies, or parts of bodies, have been retrieved from the wreckage of the twin towers.
By nightfall, correspondents on television were doing reports from in front of what would have been the Twin Towers as backdrop.
Published immediately after September 11, 2001, the cover depicts the Twin Towers as rich black silhouettes on a dull black background.
The issue has particular resonance for the relatives of those who died, trapped on the burning upper levels of the twin towers.
Anti-immigration parties such as France's National Front and Austria's Freedom Party were well-established long before the aircraft crashed into the twin towers.
ECONOMIST: Terrorism's insidious effect on race relations in Europe
The World Trade Center Memorial Cultural Complex will be an imposing edifice wedged in the place where the Twin Towers once stood.
He didn't know the twin towers had collapsed behind him until he reached the hospital, about an hour after the first plane hit.
Two former Marine corporals and one former sergeant major in the reserves were among the police officers killed when the twin towers collapsed.
The floors of the twin towers lie stacked one on top of the other, the result of the "pancake effect" when the towers collapsed.
Taubman's conviction and the civil suits were premised on a six-year scheme to fix commissions at the tony twin towers of the auction game.
The urban landscape is, of course, much changed from the era the hotel so tenderly evokes, and ever transformed by the jolting absence of the Twin Towers.
We can see water cascading into the footprints of the Twin Towers, and gaze up at a new tower rising above the New York skyline.
Cantor, which occupied offices at the top of the WTC's north tower, was the most seriously affected of the businesses housed in the twin towers.
The new proposals are all ambitious plans, with most calling for the building of a superstructure which would outstrip the original twin towers in height.
As the twin towers were coming down, he got a call from Susan Baumgardner, a fan, a woman he had briefly encountered 10 years before.
Mourners streamed into the newly opened memorial, which has two reflecting pools, each almost an acre in size, in the footprints of the twin towers.
BBC: 9/11 anniversary: Sombre US honours victims 10 years on
Early on, public officials made the sensible decision that, whatever happened at the site, nothing new would rise exactly where the Twin Towers had stood.
On Sept. 11, 2001, operators were unaware that fire chiefs were evacuating the doomed twin towers because the city had no way of relaying that information.
The memorial will feature two huge reflecting pools, with waterfalls flowing down their sides, where the iconic twin towers stood, according to the memorial's Web site.
The country's remarkable modernisation drive was symbolised, nine years ago, by the completion of the Petronas twin towers, in Kuala Lumpur, then the world's tallest buildings.
Believing that the ground below the twin towers is as sacred as the space above, some even say that the new transport hub must be moved northwards.
Others such as the Port Authority, which owns the land, and developer Larry Silverstein, who leases the land and owned the Twin Towers, were determined to rebuild.
The heroic resistance of the passengers of Flight 93 and the courage of the firefighters in the Twin Towers are only two scenes from this great human drama.