Now the only thing between Louisville and its twine jewelry is the Big Ten Conference.
The fuzz turns up again in throw pillows, automobile upholstery, mops, candlewicks, blankets, mattresses, twine, rugs, and medical supplies.
Ninja Blocks, SmartThings and Twine are great projects in the fast growing IoT industry.
FORBES: Could An Internet Of Things Startup Be The Next Microsoft? Three Hobby Kits Hold Promise
It also has potential to connect to Twine, which also funded on Kickstarter.
Video from the scene shows people tracking down crocodiles measuring about two metres, and tying their limbs with twine.
Using Spool, Twine can be set up to send emails, tweets or text messages depending on the inputs from its sensors.
FORBES: Interview: Twine - The Internet of Things for Regular People?
Finally, there is endless roadside Americana, from giant balls of twine to rocket ships, all sorts of unique attractions and outdoor adventures.
What's the biggest ball of twine, the biggest mountain, the biggest skyscraper?
Twine is just one of the forays into the possibilities that can exist when we realize the full potential of smart, interconnected products.
The women of the Yakama tribe passed down a unique tradition from generation to generation, using a long rope of hemp twine as a literal timeline.
Nova Spivak, founder of the web tool Twine, has described Alpha as having the potential to be as important to the web as Google.
Twine itself is a block of plastic containing an accelerometer (which senses motion or vibration), a temperature sensor and a processor much like Botanicalls.
FORBES: Interview: Twine - The Internet of Things for Regular People?
'We're celebrating summer, the happiness of the sun coming up, and the first hay being cut, ' says Per Olof as he fastens the flowers with gardening twine.
She worked in fibre, spending her evenings knitting grotesque, compelling shapes out of greenish twine, and now the apartment housed six or eight gigantic dry sea creatures.
Then Barnaby left town for a while, and Joanna returned to the South, leaving behind her green twine and her sea creatures, which Con had come to like.
Twine creates your personal gateway to the Internet of Things.
In the 19th century, the splendor of these private compounds rose along with the prices for henequen, a plant in the agave family used to produce twine and rope--"green gold" that made the plantations' owners fantastically wealthy.
John Kestner and David Carr created Twine, a 2.5 inch-square device with on-board temperature and vibration sensors, as well as an expansion connector for other sensors, such as moisture sensors and magnetic switches, all tightly integrated through WiFi with a cloud-based service.
Over time, though, through escalating successes such as the Glif iPhone tripod accessory, the Twine connected sensor and the Elevation Dock all preceding the Pebble tsunami, Kickstarter started to become better known for physical products and the pre-orders that came as perks for backing them.
ENGADGET: Switched On: Higher stakes, higher ground for crowdfunding, part 1