The actress twitches and shrugs as if her tendons were directed by will alone.
Fox sways and twitches with the effects of Parkinson's disease while he speaks in support of stem cell research.
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That the euro twitches in synch with Germany, whose economy accounts for a third of the euro-zone's, is striking.
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"Some people... get the twitches because they're not answering it, " Ms. Stack says.
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When injected in diluted form, Botox relaxes muscle movements that cause twitches and stuttering as well as those distressing wrinkles.
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Despite its occasional unfairness to others and its tics and twitches, there is, indeed, a certain grandeur to this view of life.
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' So the actor started rocking around and having twitches.
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The United States, too, twitches at the prospect of Mr Erdogan taking over, lest he be loth to co-operate against terrorism and ends Turkey's cosy military relationship with Israel.
ECONOMIST: Turkey's drifting government: What next? | The
Weekley's won the same week he went to see a doctor about the problem he has had recently maintaining focus in his left eye, sometimes causing bad twitches and making it problematic reading greens.
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They asked the public to alert them to other ailing manatees who may be showing a lack of coordination and stability in the water, muscle twitches or seizures, and difficulty lifting their heads to breathe.
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Through videotaping subjects in an effort to codify all their facial twitches, he and his team realized that people are prone to sudden, brief (less than a 20th of a second) flashes of expression that directly contradict the dominant expression.
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