He was confronted by two cops who had been tipped off to the murderer in their midst.
Chief Edwards, here's a case where you had two cops - one maybe did the right thing, one did the wrong thing.
Ayer sets up the gang as the essence of self-destroying evil nihilism as a working method and a game and the two cops as order and good will personified.
But on the larger strategic points of purpose and planning, the two cops seem to agree: The United States is in Iraq and the region for the long haul.
Bruckheimer offered Bay his first directing job in 1994 on Bad Boys, a movie about two Miami cops chasing drug thieves.
It seems clear they were two bad guys who somehow became cops.
In the movie's quirkiest detour he spends most of the evening cruising in a patrol car with two unexpectedly paternal, party-hearty cops (Rogen and Bill Hader).
Powers and Thomas make up exactly two-thirds of the total number of environmental cops who cover the 650 miles of NYC shoreline.
Her heart pounded as the cops steadied their guns and then motioned for the two to get into a waiting jeep.
At times, "The Outsider" reads both like a memoir and a riposte, a sharp two-handed backhand down the line from a champ who freely cops to selfishness, stubbornness and shortcomings as a husband.
The two regulators, which for decades have served as Wall Street's top cops with the supervision of the SEC, would significantly reduce the costs of regulation to member firms, the two contend, and reduce burdensome redundancies in how examinations and other routine regulatory functions are conducted.
But he offers two pieces of advice for others who hope to avoid handing over their passwords to the cops.
FORBES: Two Cases' Lessons: If Cops Don't Know What You Encrypted, They Can't Make You Decrypt It
G4 was a channel that had one or two video game themed shows (X-Play, AOTS sometimes) but was mostly a lot of reruns of Cops and Cheaters.
FORBES: 'Guys Who are Into Gaming are Not Necessarily Watching Television'