Pakistan closed the ground routes after a NATO airstrike in November killed two dozen of its soldiers.
More than two dozen of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies have agreed to provide funding and other support to Interpol's battle against counterfeit prescription drugs, the international police agency said Tuesday.
But because there is a shortage of shariah advisers - there's only about two dozen of them who are really the most qualified to sit on shariah boards - and that's the way it basically works.
William Koch took the witness stand in the second week of a civil trial in which he accuses one-time billionaire Eric Greenberg of fraudulently selling him two dozen bottles of phony vintage wine in 2005.
At Vanguard, only two dozen out of 2, 500 plans it administers are offering the conversion option for 2010.
Even saying that two-dozen of them are embryonic stem cells seems overly optimistic to some scientists in the field.
Two dozen bottles of the fake wine were fraudulently sold to him at an auction in 2005, Mr Koch alleged.
Nearly two dozen pieces of enchanted art throughout the boat use face-recognition software to prevent delivering the same animation twice in a row.
About two-dozen of the more than 90 graduates who have died in the decade-plus of conflict since the Sept. 11 attacks are interred here.
One popular outpost is La Banquise, open 24 hours a day, every day, where more than two dozen varieties of the dish are served.
On a recent day in May two dozen residents of the village of Banihalli, 50 miles southeast of Bangalore, were gathered in a courtyard to watch and discuss a DVD on worm composting.
Kilpatrick, the Detroit mayor from 2002 until he resigned in 2008, was the biggest target of a years-long Detroit City Hall corruption probe that led to the convictions of two dozen people, including several of his closest friends and former City Councilwoman Monica Conyers, the wife of U.S. Rep. John Conyers.
CNN: Ex-Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick convicted in corruption case
This rebranding comes to you courtesy of two dozen firms that are the members of the newly formed Principal Traders Group, a new arm of the Futures Industry Association.
During the investigation, Mr. Monsegur, who lived in and worked from a public-housing project in New York City, received information on a day-to-day basis of "upwards of two dozen vulnerabilities" in computer systems from a network of cybercriminals, Mr. Pastore said in court documents released Thursday.
He's subjected two dozen or so of them to one-hour interviews to determine their worthiness.
Two-dozen bits of genetic code have been linked to heart disease, obesity and diabetes this year.
Later today, British police will ask a judge for additional time to question two dozen people suspected of being involved with the alleged plot to blow up trans-Atlantic airliners.
After two years they had a cumbersome system and a grand total of two dozen articles.
Even U.S.-Pakistani relations -- which were at a nadir in 2011 because of a CIA contractor killing two Pakistanis, the bin Laden raid and the death of some two dozen Pakistani soldiers during a NATO airstrike -- are gingerly improving.
Out of two dozen entries for the Morton Frank Award for business reporting from abroad, only a pair of worthy pieces in rival publications were given higher honors in this esteemed contest.
Separately, some of the two dozen people at the meeting had criticized the nomination of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel when it was made because of past comments and views on Israel.
Among the representatives of more than two dozen countries attending were the foreign ministers of Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Iraq, state-run Islamic Republic News Agency said.
Buffett leads Berkshire with a tiny staff of roughly two dozen at its headquarters, and he largely lets the CEOs of all Berkshire's subsidiaries make all the operating decisions.
The application ultimately led to the creation of GPS, a constellation of two-dozen satellites developed and maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Excepting a couple of museum curators and two dozen serious collectors, nobody knew this coterie of exceptional talent was painting iconic pieces.
FORBES: What $100 Got You In 1954: Lessons In Art And Growth Stocks
The crowd of about two dozen spectators at one recent hearing included tea party members and other grassroots activists, some of whom took time away from work and traveled from towns around the state.
High real estate taxes contributed to the ouster last month of two dozen Indiana mayors.
She is one of two dozen former customers in eight states who want their money back.
One of two dozen researchers assigned to sort out protein functions was an immunologist named David Hilbert.
Most teams brought an average of two dozen rods between them, all rigged differently for different conditions.
WSJ: A College Championship That's a Different Kettle of Fish